Love Yourself Enough to Heal
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

Love Yourself Enough to Heal

KIRAEL: When you say, “I choose love,” you align yourself to the highest light of the journey, and you’ll feel love guiding you. Love is ever-evolving with you as you do your journey on Earth. Choose love, go beyond the fear and know that a new adventure always awaits you.

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2024: A Year of Evolution
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

2024: A Year of Evolution

KIRAEL: We’ll call this new year, 2024, a year of evolution. Because it is an “8” year, you may find your thoughts taking you into one reality or another. The infinite flow of energy through the 8 allows you to weave multiple realities together and create balance in your life. 
With this in mind, you’ll have a choice: Would you like to continue living in a third-dimensional reality, bouncing around in the journey from fear to love over and over again? Or would you rather expand your love, live your life in balance at the center of the 8 and still feel connected into the boundless realms of spirit? 

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Prophecy of Belief
Kahu Fred Sterling Karen Nielsen Kahu Fred Sterling Karen Nielsen

Prophecy of Belief

Belief informs your journey more than you know. You become a conscious creator when you realize that you have ability to focus your beliefs and feelings and direct them to create change your life—and also the world, for that matter.

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Are You Enough? Let Go of Judgement and Fall in Love with Yourself
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

Are You Enough? Let Go of Judgement and Fall in Love with Yourself

Healing our sense of self-worth is a journey that many of us experience. How can we let go of self-judgement and just fall in love with who we are?
KIRAEL: Use your meditations to center your mind in the fullness of your Creator Light and don’t judge yourself good or bad. Realize that, yes, you are enough, and you can let go of any comparison with others or with your “imaginary perfect-self...

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Understanding the Actuality of Now
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

Understanding the Actuality of Now

The love that you feel in your heart is your actuality of now and when you are there, it feels magical, but it’s not really magic. It is simply about being present and aware and using the tools of conscious creation to guide your journey in love. In this, you are mastering life on Earth.

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Choose Love and Move into Mastery
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

Choose Love and Move into Mastery

As a new dimension takes hold on Earth, limitless possibilities open for those who choose to look beyond the fear and consciously create a new reality on this planet. Mother Earth is on a rapid shift and many of you are feeling it in some way now. Peace on Earth, abundance and balance is possible, but you’ve got to choose to be there and to nurture it with love.

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Healing on the Edge of Evolution
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

Healing on the Edge of Evolution

The world you live in today is a world of truth. Now, you may say, “Well, Master Kirael, there is so much deceit and lying in the world today. How can you say that it is a world of truth?” When I say, a world of truth, I’m talking about your truth and the world that you have chosen to live in for millennia.

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An Elven Awakening for Your Great Shift
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

An Elven Awakening for Your Great Shift

KIRAEL: It’s been several years since I’ve spoken about the Elven and their participation with you for your Great Shift in Consciousness, and these ancient, multi-dimensional beings of love and light are still with you. They have been here since the beginning of life on Earth and they played a great part in the Lemurian era when they wove their light with the angels to create the very first Lemurians. And even though you may not be fully aware of their presence as guides, they are still committed to this process called the Great Shift.

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Step Out of the Box and Be Free
Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karinna Nielsen

Step Out of the Box and Be Free

Kirael: Let me say this about the Great Shift in Consciousness that you find yourselves midst in righ now—because you’ve got earthquakes and floods and all sorts of things going on. Don’t get caught up in the news media output of what’s happening based on someone’s determination of what is important for you to know. Focus on yourself, heal the fears, let them go and find love again and again. This is a very special time that you all signed up for and love will guide you through this process.

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Engage the Shift and Expand into Your Love
Master Guide Kirael Karen Nielsen Master Guide Kirael Karen Nielsen

Engage the Shift and Expand into Your Love

Here we are now well into the year of transition, 2023, and you may be feeling the stronger shifting energies of this 7 year* and thinking, “Well, is this really what I signed up for?” Yes, it is! This is the time that I’ve spoken of for many, many years called the great shift in consciousness. Each of you wanted to be here for all that is happening in your world to heal yourself and to evolve beyond the journey of human.

In fact, you wanted to be here so much that, before you incarnated, you created a special life blueprint to guide you through a completion lifetime of all your lives on Earth. You came to Earth to heal everything in your life plan and move into higher levels of love awareness. Yes, you did.

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Create Change and Transform Your Life in 2023
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

Create Change and Transform Your Life in 2023

The year of 2023 is a 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7), and in Lemurian Numerology*, the number 7 represents transition. With this in mind, let us consider the transition occurring on Earth now in the Great Shift in Consciousness and how each of you is woven into this journey. This dynamic process of shifting dimensions on Earth is affected by the collective consciousness of humanity and the choices you make in the now.

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In Gratitude for Kahu Fred Sterling’s Legacy of Love and Healing
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

In Gratitude for Kahu Fred Sterling’s Legacy of Love and Healing

Late in the evening of November 10, 2022, Kahu Fred Sterling, my mentor, dear friend and founder of Signature Cell Healing® released from his physical body to continue his guiding light from the etheric realms. His departure came as a shock even though Kahu had been preparing for several years to keep “The Beauty”—Signature Cell Healing, the Honolulu Church of Light and—moving forward in love and balance for generations to come.

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Go Beyond What You Know
Master Imhotep Karinna Nielsen Master Imhotep Karinna Nielsen

Go Beyond What You Know

A powerful way to navigate November is to look at the Lemurian numerology. The number eleven reduces to two, and whenever you find yourself in this energy, it is a reminder to be aware of any tendency to look at situations in terms of “right or wrong” or “good or bad.” It is a time to release a third-dimensional philosophy of life that focuses your thoughts toward the negative and into fear.

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Discover the Magic of Your Creation
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

Discover the Magic of Your Creation

Take a moment with me now and think back to a time in your life when you were pleasantly surprised at something that came together just perfectly with what you wanted to create. In fact, it was so perfect that it went beyond your ability to understand how it could possibly have happened. Did it feel like magic?

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Imagine a New World in Love
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

Imagine a New World in Love

Some of you will find the energy of this ninth month of September to be a bit challenging. Why? Because the number nine in Lemurian numerology represents completions and new beginnings. And, at this time, you may come to the awareness that certain old thought patterns and worn-out belief systems no longer make sense for you. The challenge will be to let them go.

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Elevate Yourself into a New Dimension
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

Elevate Yourself into a New Dimension

In the shift of dimensions happening now on Earth, the old reality is fading and a higher frequency of love awaits you. This is the ascension of light that you have come to experience, and it is truly a very special time that will be felt individually and collectively.

How will you choose to experience this precious opportunity to ascend into the new dimensional process? Are you ready to let go of old thought patterns and worn-out belief systems that are less than evolutionary? Will you choose to recognize your life lessons and understand that everything can be healed in love?

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You Are So Much More!
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

You Are So Much More!

As a lightworker at this time of the great shift in consciousness, you may feel as though you are living in two worlds—your day-to-day, third-dimensional life and a higher-vibrating reality that you can access through meditation. You have a choice just how much of these realities you would like to experience.

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What’s Holding You Back?
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

What’s Holding You Back?

“Everything is perfect just as you have created it to be. When you feel frustrated or angry, please remember this: Your life is a reflection of what you need to know. You have the ability to create a more blissful life for yourself—one thought at a time. It begins with your intention and your spoken word carries the energy out into the Universe.”

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Who is Really in Control?
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

Who is Really in Control?

Your planet is surrounded in love and held in a light vibration that allows the human world to determine its own destiny. Be aware that each of you determine the future of life on Earth. There is not some outside force of “good versus evil” determining your fate. It is We the People of Earth who are choosing the future with every thought that you have, every action that you take.

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Love Has the Power to Shift Everything
Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen Master Imhotep Karen Nielsen

Love Has the Power to Shift Everything

This is the great shift that many have spoken of for so long. Your world is in transition with many of the third-dimensional energies that you have been immersed in just trying to hold on. It is also the beginning of a greater collective awareness of love on your planet. Look and you will see. Breathe and you will feel it. Know that love will prevail.

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