Who is Really in Control?

The frequency of love on Earth is rising. You may not think so when you look at the world through the lens of human interpretation, but the events unfolding now are meant to draw you into a new awareness of love. You are reaching a critical mass of this higher awareness that will open Earth to new dimensional realities and moves you into a new way of cherishing all life on Earth. It is happening now.

You, the lightworkers, are creating this higher vibration of love on Earth. It is all of you individually and collectively who create the space for the ascension of humanity. There are more lightworkers than you can imagine who are actively participating, and when you are of one heart and mind, the frequency will rise to a new level of consciousness.

You Are in Charge

In a world that many feel is spinning out of control, what you can control is you. Focus on loving yourself and opening pathways that move you forward on your evolutionary journey. Feel the truth in your heart and trust that in love, you will find the answers to your questions about what is happening in the world.

Your planet is surrounded in love and held in a light vibration that allows the human world to determine its own destiny. Be aware that each of you determine the future of life on Earth. There is not some outside “evil” force that determines your fate. It is we the people of Earth who choose the future with every thought and action.

A growing number of souls on Earth are beginning to understand this and say, “This is the world I want to live in, and I choose to make the changes that will raise the frequency of love on the planet—one thought at a time.” Choosing love when the world seems to be spinning out of control is what restores the balance on Earth.

In the evolutionary motion of those seeking to ascend into new levels, love must be the guiding light for the lightworkers at this time. Beyond all that you see or hear in the news or what you are told to believe, love must be the choice that you make now in your lives.

Q: I wanted to get together with friends recently, and it turned out completely different than what I thought it would. It got out of control, and it just expanded way beyond my original idea. Can you help me to understand this? 

When something like this happens, who do you suppose is really in control? You are! It begins with a thought. You create it and give it life. And that thought could be, “Oh, I haven’t seen that person in a while,” or “Let’s get together!” And your thought draws energy to itself because every thought has a right to life, just as you do. 

So now this thought has a life, but how clear was your original intention? Without your clarity, your creation will be on a wild ride and perhaps end up somewhere completely different than you had intended. If you are not completely clear on what you want, the idea has leeway to expand, and it can be steered this way and that way by anyone else who has the passion to give it energy. So, you may say, “Well, that’s okay, Imhotep, I like being spontaneous.” Really? Please remember that when it comes to the rest of your life, because it works with everything — yes, everything.

Believe me, you are in control, my friend. You are the creator and the director of your life journey. If you feel disappointed or miserable, this is not your higher-self’s doing. Your higher self is all right with any experience you choose to have. You are the one who is really in charge.

Think of yourself as the creator of your experience. Focus on yourself and your journey and move forward in love. Establish a balance of thought in your life. Feel a focus of love on your journey, and make it all that you choose it to be.

Write Your Own Story

Q: I know that I could do better in life. People tell me all the time that I should have a more interesting job and more loving relationships, but I just don’t see any way to get there. Am I actually limiting myself somehow?

You have a right to create the most abundant, enjoyable and loving life for yourself. Release the perceived limits on your experience. Go beyond what other people are telling you to be.

Saying “I can’t,” “I don’t deserve it,’” or “I won’t be able to.” It limits your possibilities and potentials. You can, you do, and you will; but you must believe, and not just say, “oh, well that how it goes.”

You have the ability to consciously create the life you came here to live and go beyond what you think the world is telling you to be. Listen to different voices—positive ones—create a new flow of inspiration and step on to a new path.

With the rising vibration on Earth now, it is important to recognize that where your attention goes, the energy flows. This is the way of conscious creation, for if you can conjure it in your mind and feel it in your heart, you can create it in your life.

When you have a belief, your mind fills in the blanks to make it true and mold your perception around it so it becomes your reality. This is the way many people choose to live their lives, immersed in a story that they have the ability to change. What stories do you tell yourself that you believe to be true?

Start telling yourself stories that are nurturing and positive to enhance your movement forward in love. Give yourself the best shot at your heart-felt desires by being your best friend and thinking thoughts that encourage you. Focus on what you truly want in your life and don’t just follow the whims of others. Know that you write your own story. You say how it goes.

Begin by focusing on the beauty in your life even if it is something that seems insignificant, such as a beautiful sunset or a person who smiled at you. Start there. Feel gratitude for your journey and allow people to say whatever they choose. You choose love and make your life all that you desire it to be.

When You Shift, the World Shifts

Allow yourself to feel the energy of new dimensional levels and see love appearing all around you in the eyes of a child, a smile from a stranger and a hug from a good friend. Amplify your heart light through meditations and prayers that clearly state your intentions for your life and for peace to prevail on Earth.

When you recognize the rising frequency of love on Earth, you will already be in the next dimension. You are on the path of evolution, and things will shift in your world as you feel the love. It will then ripple out to the lives of those around you. This is a great shift in consciousness, and that means you are evolving and raising your understanding of love.

And so it is.


What’s Holding You Back?


Love Has the Power to Shift Everything