Ancient Lemurian Wisdom for a Modern World
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Ancient Lemurian Wisdom for a Modern World

The Lemurians lived their lives in a shamanic journey of collective evolution and transformation in the fullness of the Creator's Love. The islands now known as Hawai'i were the mountaintop locations of the healing temples of Lemuria. You may have walked this ancient land and are feeling the call to awaken to the wisdom of Lemuria within you.

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Lemurian Numerology
Karinna Nielsen Karinna Nielsen

Lemurian Numerology

Lemurian numerology is a powerful force of guidance, opening a channel for the higher self and the guidance world to communicate with us. It is a simple yet truly profound way of receiving guidance as it reveals a higher purpose and a deeper meaning to life's events, opening a pathway of light to guide your journey.

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Lemurian Goddess Colors
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Lemurian Goddess Colors

At times of great shifts in consciousness on evolutionary planets such as Earth, the Goddess Light awakens in the hearts of the people. This creates a weave of love to guide the shift from one dimensional awareness to the next.

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What Does Healing Really Mean?
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

What Does Healing Really Mean?

A while ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. She and her family tried everything they could to heal it. They tried the medical world, alternative therapies, hands-on healing, and special diets, but the cancer wouldn’t go away. 

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Signature Cell Healing When You Really Need It
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Signature Cell Healing When You Really Need It

One morning as I was gathering my things to leave for the office, I heard a muffled cry, then a loud thud from the other side of our house. I ran as fast as I could outside to the bottom of a ladder, which had been resting in a wobbly way next to the roof of our house.

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My Mom's Healing Journey
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

My Mom's Healing Journey

One day, my mom, who had barely been sick a day in her 80-plus years, sat me down to say that the doctors had found a cancerous tumor on the left side of her pelvis.

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Your Lemurian Legacy: The Goddess Light
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Your Lemurian Legacy: The Goddess Light

Activating, weaving and healing with our Goddess Light allows us to overcome anything in our lives and to create all that we choose to experience in this lifetime. It is the energy of Love that will shift Mother Earth from a experience of duality into a new dimension of Oneness.

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Meditation – Celebrating the “M-Word”
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Meditation – Celebrating the “M-Word”

Can you feel it? There are powerful energies lining up to take our Great Shift in Consciousness to the next level—for our planet and for each of us personally. For me, the most essential question is, how do we navigate the energies to access new levels of love and commitment to the evolutionary journey we’ve all come here to celebrate?

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Prana Breathing: The Breath of Life
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Prana Breathing: The Breath of Life

The ancient Lemurians, like the Hawaiian people, knew the sacredness of the breath which carries the energy of life. The Hawaiian word for breath is ha, and they were conscious of its mana, or power, for without the breath, life cannot exist.

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Ceremony- Living with Intention
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Ceremony- Living with Intention

It was still dark at 6:00am, yet I knew exactly where I was going and what I would be doing, as I had done this many times before. It was the morning of the Winter Solstice, and I was at a secluded beach in Hawaii with my Goddess Sisters to do an ancient Lemurian water ceremony—some call it baptism.

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The Art of Lemurian Listening
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

The Art of Lemurian Listening

In the Lemurian Wisdom Gatherings I’m honored to facilitate, what a blessing it is to delve into the wisdom of the ancient Lemurians and to see how relevant their evolutionary journey is to us in the now. One aspect of this great wisdom was their keen ability to listen, for in listening, they could learn, heal and evolve.

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The Art of Lemurian Speaking
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

The Art of Lemurian Speaking

The Lemurians knew the power of the spoken word to enlighten and to honor the listener as well as the speaker and to manifest the will of the speaker into physical form. Every word was considered truth and chosen carefully with great clarity of intention, as they knew each word would be intently listened to in order to hear the truth of the speaker.

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Creating Positive Change
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Creating Positive Change

The ancient Lemurians knew that balance was maintained and their reality was created through the power of their impassioned thoughts. Now, in our Great Shift in Consciousness, our ability to focus our thoughts to create a positive world for ourselves will determine our path of evolution.

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The Bowl of Light
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

The Bowl of Light

Wisdom from Hale Kealohalani Makua
“Each of us comes into the world from the great beyond with our bowl of light.” The light was a gift from your ‘Aumakua, your immortal spiritual soul that divided itself before you were born. This light nourishes us and sustains us as we pass through life—but as we grow in experience and wisdom, things happen….

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Balance - The Gift of Being Present
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Balance - The Gift of Being Present

I recently shared with you about my mother's passing, and I am grateful for all of the heartfelt prayers and expressions of love I have received. This is the first time that I have participated so closely with a loved one's transition and passing, and, truthfully, I felt completely swept up in the myriad things that come forth at such a time on all four bodies—physical, emotional (especially), mental and spiritual.

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The Ancient Legend of Inanna, the Queen of Heaven and Earth
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

The Ancient Legend of Inanna, the Queen of Heaven and Earth

The ancient Sumerian legend of Inanna (Venus) guides us ceremonially through her cycle as we experience the shamanic journey of release, renewal and re-empowerment. In surrendering, trusting and letting go of who we thought we were, we create a new, more empowered sense of self.

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Celebrating the “M-Word”: Meditation
Karen Nielsen Karen Nielsen

Celebrating the “M-Word”: Meditation

Can you feel it? There are powerful energies lining up to take our Great Shift in Consciousness to the next level—for our planet and for each of us personally. For me, the most essential question is, how do we navigate the energies to access new levels of love and commitment to the evolutionary journey we’ve all come here to celebrate?

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