My Mom's Healing Journey


A Story of Love and Signature Cell Healing

by Karinna Nielsen 

Watch a video version of this story

One day, my mom, who had barely been sick a day in her 80-plus years, sat me down to say that the doctors had found a cancerous tumor on the left side of her pelvis. She had recently “survived” the emotional stress and upheaval of moving from a home she had lived in with my dad for 44 years. They had just moved into a smaller house in a retirement community, and now she was telling me that she had cancer.

“Maybe this is the end of my journey,” she said to me, with a clarity in her eyes that astounded me. “Maybe it is,” I said, “but I’ll walk with you, Mom. If you want to do Signature Cell Healing® sessions with whatever treatments you choose, I’ll do that with you.” So, we began the journey of healing.

Entering the Medical World

My mom’s young oncologist explained in her first appointment that the non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was present both in the tumor and in lymph nodes in her underarms and back. He recommended a form of less aggressive intravenous treatment with Rituxan instead of chemotherapy. He also said quite frankly that, considering her advanced age, she might just want to forgo the treatments and simply enjoy the rest of her life with her family. Well, that was nothing short of a rallying call for my mom. She told the doctor that she would have the treatments, and that she would also be doing Signature Cell healings with her daughter. He didn’t know what that was, but if we felt it would help, he said to go ahead.

Walking the Healing Journey Together

My mom and I walked a beautiful journey of healing together as I went two to three times a week to her home to do healing sessions, and she also came to the healing services led by Kahu Fred Sterling at the Honolulu Church of Light. There were many, many emotional moments in our journey together to heal the cancer. It is a part of my life that I will always treasure.

My healing sessions with her always began and ended with the opening and completion sequences. Her healings also included various other advanced Signature Cell Healing techniques, such as trinity tapping and communicating with the cells within the tumor, stem cell planting, extra lymphatic tapping, strumming the meridians and releasing the free radicals.

The Doctor Said, "The Cancer Is Gone"

After a year and a half of Signature Cell healings and her prescribed treatments, a PET scan of my mom’s body revealed that the cancerous tumor was gone and there was also no cancer in the lymph nodes. She had done the healing journey, including all of her doctor’s treatments and her healing sessions. She began to do regular prana breathing, prayer, meditation and automatic writing.

I had the pleasure of returning to the same oncologist with my mother to hear him say, “I don’t know what you’ve been doing, but just keep doing it, because the cancer is gone.” My mom and I just looked at each other with a knowing of love for each other and for the healing journey, and we went out and celebrated.

The Gift of Healing

Today, my mom still loves to receive Signature Cell healings from me. As her daughter and healer, I have gained a deeper understanding of the many gifts that doing a healing journey with a loved one can bring.

This article was previously published in the book, "Signature Cell Healing: Awakening the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality" by Kahu Fred Sterling

An Update from Karinna

My mother Aileen left the third-dimensional world in September 2014, and shines her angelic light from the fourth dimension now. Though the cancer didn't return, she had other health challenges in her later years, for which I was present as her healer/daughter. 

Read more about my evolving journey of love and gratitude with my mom here --and also my dad, whose elder life enriched mine for two years after my mom's transition and helped me to understand healing from the heart on deeper levels of love.

With love and Lemurian blessings,


Signature Cell Healing When You Really Need It


Your Lemurian Legacy: The Goddess Light