What’s Holding You Back?

Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen

At this time of great transformation on Earth, I suggest that you let go of the past, move forward, and feel more and more love in your life. Releasing what is past, staying present and raising your awareness of love is what moves you into the new dimensional energies. Your planet is surrounded in love. Love is all around you, supporting your evolutionary quest to heal yourself and raise your frequency of love as you move through this great shift in consciousness.

Begin with self-love on all aspects of who you are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This is what is called the bottom line, because the more you are in love with yourself, the more you will be ready for the energies of unconditional love that are available to you now. It is love for yourself first that will get you there.

Oh, I’ve heard the chorus before: “Loving the self is egotistical and selfish!” That is not what I mean by self-love. Think about how empowering it is to see yourself in a loving way, for then you will be able to truly love others as well.

Now, for many of you, focusing on self-love may bring up challenging lesson plans that are rooted in the yin-yang energies of life on Earth, including anger, judgement, and physical health issues. It is time for you to look at what may be holding you back from your evolutionary pathways of love. Where could you be kinder to yourself, have new thoughts, or look at your life in more loving ways?

Meditation is Important

Your spiritual growth and evolution are enhanced by a strong meditation practice. In meditation, you create opportunities to breathe, center in your heart, and ask yourself the questions that address your healing concerns, such as, “Why do I have this pain in my back that won’t go away?” or “Why am I always getting angry with my spouse and friends?”

The answers you receive may not be what you expect, and they may not come right there in your meditation. The answers may be found in a phone call from a friend, a dream, or in an encounter that you have while shopping. But the answers will come. Now is the time to go into meditation for guidance, ask your questions and pay attention to the answers. Please join me in a meditation to feel what this is like.

Sit comfortably now. Close your eyes and take some nice deep breaths.

In your mind’s eye, see a swirling mist of golden particles above your crown chakra. Inhale and draw the particles into your crown chakra and down through the pineal gland in the center of your head. This is where we find the Signature Cell that carries your life blueprint. As you continue to breathe deeply, draw the energy down into your heart chakra, and feel your heart expanding and glowing.

Now, from your heart, send out a strand of light to something or someone you feel ready to release from your life. Send the strand out with love, and see it connect. Ask for the truth: Is it time to release and let this person or situation go? Breathe. Take a moment. You will feel the answer in your heart.

If it is time and you are ready, release the strand with love back into your heart. Take a deep breath, and see this energy fade and disappear.

Continue breathing deeply as you center in your heart and feel the love for self that it takes to move forward in Truth, Trust and Passion. Gently return to where you began our meditation.

Q: I’ve been trying to consciously release any fears that may be holding me back from having better health and being able to do more in life. Recently in meditation, I had this vision of someone sleeping on my sofa who I didn’t know. It was a really small, fat guy, and I felt scared of him. I asked my husband to make him leave, but before he could do that, the guy got up and left with a bunch of other small fat people. Now, I wonder, could that have been my fears leaving?

When you are experiencing a lesson plan of healing and you’re feeling anger, frustration or physical pain, and you ask yourself, “What is holding me back? Why am I still sick and not healing?” In one way or another, the answer will come to you. 

You showed that you were ready to consciously create change by releasing old energies that may have been holding you back for years. By asking your fears to leave, you are saying to the universe, your higher self, guides, and angels that you are ready to move on. You received an answer, which shows that you have begun the process of healing and raising your frequency of love.

Your process began with your spoken words that expressed your intention to heal. In meditation, we heard you say, “I release the fears that are holding me back.” With this, you have expressed your intention, and it will seek its manifestation in your life. Now, it can also be energized by your guides and angels, who are clear on how to help you.

As referred to in the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, this is called expressing “the will and the word.” You have the thought and the intention (the will) and you express it (the word).

Continue on toward your healing goals, for the energy is in motion now. With your clear intention, take action by moving forward in love for you. As you do, take a look at old thought patterns or even something that you’ve held on to for years and ask yourself, “Why do I still have this?”

In meditation, go into your heart and ask for the truth. What does your heart say? Can you feel it with love? If not, you’re not at the truth yet. So ask and listen again. This is how you will know when to let go of old ways of doing things and old thought patterns that are no longer of service to you. Self-love will get you through your healing goals as you honor yourself and feel the love for your life and your beingness on Earth.

Q: I was speaking with someone recently who was in a lot of physical pain, and she began telling me in great detail about tragic events in her life almost forty years ago. I was amazed at how clearly she remembered everything. It occurred to me that her thoughts about the past were somehow creating what she was experiencing now. My question is how do our memories of the past create physical illness in our lives now?

How would you create your world if you truly believed that you could? Whether you are aware of it or not, this is what you are doing, one thought at a time. You are drawing to you, with every thought and every spoken word, the energies that define your reality. It is done with the memory that holds the past there in your mind, because the past only exists as you remember it.

How do you choose to remember the past? Can you send it love and let it go? You can hold on to pain from the past as long as you want, but you needn’t. You are the one choosing to hold on to any negative experiences, and you can also choose to create a more positive focus that helps you to heal. In just an instant, you can choose to release the past and move on.

How does your world define the beauty of who you are? Can you see yourself surrounded by loving people and situations that are nurturing and helping you to do the journey you came to experience on Earth?

You Are on an Evolutionary Journey to Remember Love

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the greater light of who you are and what happens when you decide to do a series of life incarnations on Earth. From your soul light, your eternal source of creation, you send a particle of light to do a journey on Earth at just the right time to just the right family with just the right people to experience what you desire, and you do this for multiple lifetimes to learn about love in a third-dimensional reality. 

You may say, “But, I am love!” Yes, that’s true, but you forget. You come to Earth, and you forget that you are the pure light of love from the Creator, so you begin the journey to remember.  You remember with the help of the people in your life and all the experiences that you have. You have these life experiences to heal yourself and age your soul in an evolutionary progression of returning to love, and you discover love again and again.

When you have learned a particular lesson, letting it go allows you to move forward with love, and there is so much to experience on Earth. You’ll stay until you get to the point in which you have experienced all that you want to experience, such as wealth, poverty, illness, good health, relationship challenges, joy and suffering—all of these things. When you are complete, it is time to move on to other journeys on other planes of awareness in the Creator’s Light.

My point in telling you this is that everything is perfect, just as you have created it to be. When you feel frustrated or angry, please remember this: Your life is a reflection of what you need to know. You have the ability to create a more blissful life for yourself one thought at a time. It begins with your intention, and your spoken word carries the energy out into the universe. 

My friends, it is about you and what you are choosing to focus on in your life. What are you holding on to? An old animosity? A beloved one who has passed on? Old habits and ways of life that do not serve your evolutionary growth? 

What is holding you back from living a more expansive and fulfilling life? You hold the cards; you are an incarnate master of the Creator’s Light on Earth, creating your experience every day of your life. Release the fears that are holding you back from living the life of your desires and remember that love brought you here, and it will take you home again when you are ready.

And so it is.


You Are So Much More!


Who is Really in Control?