You Are So Much More!

Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen

As a lightworker at this time of the great shift in consciousness, you may feel as though you are living in two worlds—your day-to-day, third-dimensional life and a higher-vibrating reality that you can access through meditation.

You have a choice just how much of these realities you would like to experience. You can focus on a world of fear and anger, or you can trust your heart and elevate your thoughts out of fear into love. You are empowered to create your own experience, and your life will reflect your choices.

Experience a Return to Love

In truth, you are so much more than what you see yourself to be in your life on Earth. The fullness of who you are exists in the eternal Divine Light of Creation and your human self is an aspect on Earth to experience on behalf of Creation.

It is a great honor to experience life on Earth to journey into the density and self-imposed limits of the third dimension and return to love again. As it has often been said, you are a limitless being of light experiencing a human journey for the Light of Creation, and in each incarnation, you create a journey to remember that you are love, pure love.

You are incarnate Creator Light on Earth, just as everyone else around you is as well. All are one in the Light of Creation—sisters and brothers in the light. The ascension for humanity will be fully felt when each of you knows the love for all of you on this planet, and it begins with you.

A Great Shift in You

In these shifting times, you may be experiencing challenges to your physical well-being. The journey of healing is about being present with where you are in the moment without fear and not ignoring how you feel. 

Quiet your mind, breathe deeply and ask yourself, what is that I need to feel? What do I need to know? Be present, feel the love and you become aware of a higher purpose for all that is unfolding. Release any fear you are feeling and you will be guided by your heart to take the steps forward in love. Stay positive and focus on your heart’s knowing. Allow love to prevail.

Move yourself forward and do not allow yourself to be stuck in your consideration of what happened in the past. Meditate and access your Omni conscious mind to get a greater understanding of what is happening in your life. Feel your way forward in love.   

Your Reality of Life on Earth

Q: I understand what you are saying about being an incarnate aspect of my higher-self living on Earth, but at this point in the Great Shift, I’m wondering if there are actually two dimensions existing side-by-side on our planet—one dimension with the so-called human life of struggle and pain, and another one that I can access when I am feeling fully in love? Are we living in two worlds?

Well, I am not, but you may be! [laughs] My friend, seriously now, whatever you focus your mind upon at any given time becomes your reality. For this reason, I suggest that you watch less of news, think more thoughts of love, meditate and tune into your heart.

Focus on love, and when you see or feel something else, light it up with your love. Shine your light as you evolve your soul and others will see it if needed for their own journey to find love again.  When you do your meditations send light to parts of the world and people you are concerned about, knowing your truth and being able to live it while allowing others to find the love within themselves.

Pay attention to how you are feeling. Remember to nurture yourself to take care of your shifting body and raise your frequency to feel more love. Many incarnate now on Earth have been through great shifts before, and your cells remember the feeling. So, breathe and feel the love.  You are doing a mastery journey, and you are going to “level up”, as they say.

My friend, do your best to stay in love and good humor! Do what you can to move on from fear and any doom or gloom you may be experiencing. Keep a song in your heart and feel love surrounding you. For this is the secret to living in two worlds: you fill both of them with love! Love for you and your evolutionary journey of experiencing the beauty of life on Earth.

A Meditation to Turn Towards Love

Q: I am trying to make changes in my life, like moving to a new place and changing my career, but all sorts of things are going haywire. It feels like I am struggling with something that I don’t understand. What can you tell me about this?

Here is what I’d like to say to you. At times, your life may feel like a struggle—like things are just happening to you over which you have no control. You may also be avoiding healing something from your past that is just plain scary, and you don’t want to look at it. In a sense, this fear is dictating your path because you are running away from it.

Now, it takes courage to do this, but if you truly want to move forward in love, it’s time to turn and face your fears. These may be fears that have been following you for a long time much like your own shadow. As you have avoided or run away from these fears, they have controlled your life choices. Well, now you have noticed that there is something back there, and if you’re ready, it’s time to heal.

Sit comfortably, take some deep breaths and imagine golden particles swirling above your head. Draw these golden particles in through your crown chakra and down through your pineal gland in the center of your head. As you exhale, the particles turn into white light that fills your whole physical body with a feeling of peace and love.

Feel love surrounding you, and as you continue breathing, ask to see whatever it is that you need to see. In your mind’s eye, see yourself turn around and face whatever is there. Keep breathing as you recognize that this is a part of you that you can light up in love.  

Now, bring this part of you that is longing for your love into your heart and embrace your shadow. Feel your wholeness and love for yourself.  Continue breathing as you see yourself walking forward in love.

You have made the choice to elevate yourself out of a fear and take back the control to live your life in love. You are consciously creating love for every part of who you are. Now, gently return to where you began our meditation.


My dear ones, when the drama flares in your life, or you feel afraid and not sure what to do, take a moment and breathe. Move your awareness into your heart and feel the love within you connected to your source and the truth of all realities in which you exist endlessly in love.

Feel the Universal Light of All That Is loving and nurturing you regardless of what you have been through or who you think you are. You will understand that it is all about love. Connect into this omnipresent love and be at peace. This is my message to all of you: Be at peace.

The Great Shift is happening now, and each of you are creating the shift in your own lives. Nurture your awareness of who you truly are and your higher self will place pathways to move into love in front of you. Be present, meditate and listen for the answers to your prayers. Be ready to take the steps to follow the guidance in love.

And so it is,



Elevate Yourself into a New Dimension


What’s Holding You Back?