Love Yourself Enough to Heal


The experience of the energy shifting from the creative "1" energy of January to the "2" balancing light of February is happening now! For me, the first month of the year just seemed to fly by with a rapid flow of creative energy through projects, servicing clients, end-of-year business wrap-ups (taxes!) and personal engagements.

I seemed to be balancing everything forward, that is until the shift into the new month of balance, when I was reminded to not neglect choosing self-love and balance in my life. I'm really grateful that we have the self-healing tools and techniques of Signature Cell Healing, so I can choose to re-balance everything in love!


KIRAEL: You’re coming into February, the second month of the year, with energy of the number 2. In the Lemurian numerology the 2 represents going beyond the yin-yang of duality and balancing everything in love. Let this month also focus you toward loving yourself enough to heal. How about that? We’ll call this a month to choose to love yourself enough to heal.

The focus of February is often on relationships with Valentine’s Day and all that, and I want you to feel a focus on choosing love and healing.  When you say, “I choose love,” you align yourself to the highest light of the journey, and you’ll feel love guiding you. Love is ever-evolving with you as you do your journey on Earth. Choose love, go beyond the fear and know that a new adventure always awaits you.

Love and the wisdom of your emotional body are what will guide you through this Great Shift on Earth. When you are centered in love, your guidance can communicate more easily with you and you are open to the great wisdom within your heart. Choose love at every opportunity and feel it in your heart.

Celebrate Love and Relationships

In your walk on Earth, your focus is on you and your healing journey. That is clear. At the same time, how can you build more loving relationships that assist you in your evolutionary journey?

You know what I’m going to say: Consciously create your life and balance your relationships in love. Focus on the love, not on what is wrong or what needs to be fixed. No one needs to fix anything. Everyone’s on a perfect journey of their choosing. This is a journey of knowing you are love and so is everyone else around you. The more that you love yourself the more you’ll find love and compassion for others.

Celebrate love, expand it and you’ll feel a shift in your life. This is the mastery focus of everyone on Earth.  It is the healing journey. The light you seek is the love that you are. Although your life is about you and your healing journey, you can also, in love, guide others to choose love as well. It is about being with someone on their healing journey as you do your own.

Take a moment with me now. Breathe deeply and center in your heart chakra. Can you feel your love? Now expand your heart light out to all those around you. Know that everyone in your life is on a healing journey. When they feel your love, they’ll know your commitment, trust your love and just maybe find themselves choosing love as well.

Choose Love!

Let this be a time to choose love and you’ll love it! Why do I say that? When you look at things in love, you’ll be seeing the truth and you’ll feel love surrounding you. This is the time to bring love into every thought that you have. Think the best of any situation, choose love at every opportunity, and you’ll be so happy that you did.

Good evening.


To explore this further and for your questions and shares, please join the

“Heart to Spirit Connections” webinar
on Saturday, February 3, 2024
at a special time also convenient for our friends in Australia and Asia:
1pm Hawaii / 3pm PST / 6pm EST /
Sunday, Dec 3: 7am Taipei / 8am Tokyo / 10am Sydney
Check your local time


2024: A Year of Evolution