An Elven Awakening for Your Great Shift

Master Guide Kirael through Karinna Nielsen

It’s been several years since I’ve spoken about the Elven and their participation with you for your Great Shift in Consciousness, and these ancient, multi-dimensional beings of love and light are still with you. They have been here since the beginning of life on Earth and they played a great part in the Lemurian era when they wove their light with the angels to create the very first Lemurians. And even though you may not be fully aware of their presence as guides, they are still committed to you and this process called the Great Shift.

When you consider the length of the presence of the Elven on Earth, it may seem like long stretches of time. But go beyond the illusion of third-dimensional, linear time and become aware of time actually being layered and your existence within those layers.

In fact, my friends, many of you reading this have Elven heritage and you may be living concurrent Elven lives or what is often referred to as past lives. This light of Elven is woven into your very DNA and into Mother Earth’s consciousness itself, and as you read this, you may feel yourself resonating to it and actively awakening to your Elven heritage now.

The Enduring Presence of the Elven

Now, when we speak of the Elven, don’t you know that it is not the elves—the little ones in your fairy tales—that I’m talking about. I am speaking of the Elven, a high-vibrational society of loving beings who guide evolutionary worlds through dimensional shifts in consciousness. They have been guiding evolutionary processes on Earth since Lemurian times and they assisted the Lemurians in their shifts from third to fourth and into fifth-dimensional awareness of the Creator’s Love.

Now, you might say, “Well, Master Kirael, have you seen the news lately?  We’ve got earthquakes, floods and financial systems that are feeling pretty shaky right now. How can the Elven help us with that?” My friends, the way you’re going to move through this great shift in consciousness is to remember to breathe, come into your heart and choose to be in love with yourself and everyone around you, and connecting with your Elven guidance can help you with that.

I understand that the times you’re living in now are unfolding with events that challenge you to stay in your hearts and not allow fear to rule your lives. So, perhaps it would ease your minds just a bit to know that you are being guided through this process by these great beings of light, the Elven.  They remain an enduring presence with you to assist you in your process of moving through these transitional times.  You know that you are at a new level of mastery when you become aware of the Elven guidance and their presence with you.

Awaken to the Elven Light Within

Now, I hear you ask, “How do I communicate with the Elven then, Master Kirael? How can I take part in their guidance?” Well, first of all, did you know that many of you are Elven yourselves? Yes, the Elven linage is woven into your DNA, so as the Great Shift continues to unfold, you will begin to feel an awakening to the beauty of the Elven light within you.

With this in mind, I would like to remind you of the importance of meditation and how much you benefit from having a practice of meditating two to three times a day at this point in your great shift. Because the best way to receive the guidance and to awaken to this beautiful light within you is to become aware of it in meditation.  

You may think, “Well, I don’t really meditate very often.” And I would say to that, why would you not want to honor yourself by having regular meditation times each day and create a time to ask your Elven guidance to come forth and identify themselves to you. For as you show you are ready to elevate yourself to greater levels of love, they will appear to you and even whisper in your ear, “Breathe; choose love.”  

You know that you are at a new level of mastery when you become aware of the Elven guidance and their presence with you. So, let’s talk about the Elven and how they are guiding you through your process of ascension into to higher frequencies of love.

Years ago, you and Kahu Fred Sterling spoke about the Elven practice of denjé. Can you tell us more about this and its importance for us now?

Denjé is your ticket, so to speak, into the higher dimensions on Earth, because denjé means being fully in balance on all four aspects of who you are—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The Elven live this balance; denjé is their way of life and nothing is created in their society without this balance in mind.

In your great shift now, the Earth is moving out of a third-dimensional focus that has existed for millennia into a fourth and then a fifth-dimensional light. To make the shift from third to fourth, you’ll need to have your four bodies in balance—denjé—and that is the healing focus for every one of you on Earth at this time.  Now is the time to heal through the completions of your third-dimensional lesson plans—your relationships, abundance issues, and raising your level of self-love.

In this process, you are activating additional DNA strands so that you have more and more active DNA strands for your great shift, moving you into a greater awareness of love. The Elven, who by the way, have a minimum of eight active DNA strands, are here to help you with this activation.

Now, you may ask, “Well, how do I work with the Elven to do that, because it sounds like a pretty important process, Master Kirael.” Yes, it is! And this is where your meditations and sleepstate programming come into play. These are two principles in the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating that become ever-so important to your journeys now, because when you are actively connecting with your higher self and guidance in meditation and programming your consciousness to meet with them in your sleep state, you will experience an acceleration of your evolution and feel the denjé balance more strongly.

You’ve mentioned that the Elven are helping us with expanding our DNA strands. Could you please tell us more about how this is unfolding at this point in our Great Shift?

In this process, the Elven are assisting lightworkers and healers to raise their frequency of love through DNA re-weaving so you will be ready to ascend into the new, higher-dimensional energies. Your DNA strands will be re-woven during your meditations and in your sleep state. This will create a base frequency of love on the planet that moves you through fourth-dimensional light and into the fifth dimension. Those crossing over through the transition process of leaving the physical body [dying] will experience this process as well and their cellular energies will be elevated to eight active DNA strands in their new incarnations. 

Though this process will take some time to unfold, just know that it is happening now with lightworkers and healing practitioners of evolutionary healing methods such as Signature Cell Healing. So you may feel this process at times in your meditations or when you awaken in the morning. At times you may feel the need to reorient yourself to your physical location and your daily process of life on Earth. Just know that this process is ongoing and continue to center in your heart and raise your awareness of the Creator’s love within you.

How are the Elven helping us to heal the Earth’s water systems in the Global Healing Meditation for Mother Earth every month?

If you watch too much of the news, you may feel yourself come close to despair about the state of your water systems on Earth. But when you come together in global meditation such as the one that Karinna facilitates each month, you create healing and hope for your planet. Collectively sending your light to Diamond Head to create the energetic healing weave allows the guidance from all realms to work with you to heal Mother Earth. You are not alone.

As you collectively weave your energies together and raise your frequency of love, the guidance energies such as the Elven can work with you to heal the ailing aquifers, rivers, streams and oceans of Mother Earth. The Elven are assisting you by using a high-vibrating energy called blue water that comes from deep within Mother Earth. This is 100% pure, healing water and in meditation, you can direct it and focus it to areas on Earth that call to you for healing.

In your meditations, feel the powerful, loving focus of the Elven to heal Mother Earth and join them in seeing the Earth’s water pure, blue and whole again. Know that your collective weave is making a difference in the healing of Mother Earth. 


As lightworkers on the path of evolution, you are becoming more and more aware of the Elven as your guides in this great shift through what may often feel like chaotic times. Just remember that out of chaos comes a new reality of life on Earth and a new, expansive awareness of love. As you connect with your Elven guidance in your meditations, you will navigate through any fear and fully embrace the love and healing taking place in your world in the now.

Good evening.


Healing on the Edge of Evolution


Step Out of the Box and Be Free