Choose Love and Move into Mastery

A Message from Master Guide Kirael through Karinna Nielsen

As a new dimension takes hold on Earth, limitless possibilities open for those who choose to look beyond the fear and consciously create a new reality on this planet. Mother Earth is on a rapid shift and many of you are feeling it in some way now. Peace on Earth, abundance and balance is possible, but you’ve got to choose to be there and to nurture it with love.

This is a time, my friends, when you’re going to choose where you’d like to be: in chaos or in love, and it’s a choice you’re going to make every day. When you choose to be in love, you move into mastery and go beyond anything that draws you into a chaotic world. I call this evolution, and you’ll have the feeling of moving forward into a new reality, beyond confusion, fear and anger into love and in-lightenment.

Choose to Heal Yourself and Age Your Soul

The question is, what are you going to do with the third-dimensional time you have left on Earth? What are you going to do for your own evolution right now? Are you ready to embrace the healing to age your soul? Even though this is just one of your lives out of many, it is a very important one to age your soul and evolve beyond human lives.

You have the ability to shift, to let go of old ways of doing things and consciously create a new way of life for yourself. In order to do this, you’ve got go beyond anger, fear, frustration and come fully into love. Breathe into your 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation daily and feel your cellular consciousness releasing the fear and resonating to your love.

Love Yourself Enough to Heal

So, will you choose to embrace the changes that are right there in front of you?  When a dreaded dis-ease comes up for you, are you going to embrace the opportunity to change and consciously work through your own healing?

It is up to each of you individually to anchor the love in your hearts, to complete your lesson plans by healing yourselves and mastering your journeys as humans. Expand your mind, infuse love into every thought and feel in your heart the boundless love that awaits you when you do.

All of you have the ability to do this, but it takes self-love, and it is you who must release the fears and make the shift. Love is the only way to get there and if you’re not willing to shift, well, then, there are other third-dimensional planets waiting where you can keep on the path of learning. This planet is going to shift fully into love.

Just know that you are on the right path when you choose love. And, you’ll get stronger every day because you are focused on love for yourself and everyone around you. Keep moving forward in love.


My friends, Goddess Light—the Love of Creation—is all around you and awakening within each and every one on this planet. Shine this Goddess Light from your heart into your lives and feel your connection to Mother Earth and her evolution now.

Embrace the love and feel the beauty of your life on Earth. This is indeed a very special planet and you were chosen to be here now. You raised your hand, and out of countless particles of light, you were chosen to live your life at this time on Earth to heal all lives and age your soul. What a fabulous way it is to honor yourself and your Creator’s Light.

Good evening.


Understanding the Actuality of Now


Healing on the Edge of Evolution