Discover the Magic of Your Creation

Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen

Take a moment with me now and think back to a time in your life when you were pleasantly surprised at something that came together just perfectly with what you wanted to create. In fact, it was so perfect that it went beyond your ability to understand how it could possibly have happened. Did it feel like magic?

Now, the word magic can conjure up various interpretations, so let me be clear. I am not speaking of sleight of hand, playing tricks on someone, or some sort of disappearing act. What I am speaking of is everything aligning to the most perfect scenario possible without any effort on your part. It is an alignment of your human journey with your spirit self, opening a magical portal of creation.

Your spirit self knows your life purpose and the intention to find a perfect pathway forward—a pathway of love that is open to you at all times. Your journey of discovering magic is an alignment of your spirit self’s evolutionary desires with portals of possibility beyond your human perception. It’s your own creation being revealed to you in magical ways. That is why it feels so, well, magical!

Your Clarity of Intention Creates Magical Outcomes

For example, have you ever been working on something with a deadline looming? You want so badly to complete your work, but your schedule is packed with other commitments, and you wonder how will you ever get it all done on time. Then, suddenly, one-by-one, all the other commitments get rescheduled so you are able to finish your work with ease by the deadline.

Your clarity of intention to finish your work aligned to your spirit self’s purpose and opened a portal to that magical outcome. When something like this happens, delight in the magic and celebrate your connection with your spirit light.

Or, what if you are a single person longing for the love of your life to appear? Are you clear on what that person is like—not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually? Are you visualizing and imagining this person with as much clarity as you can? In this way, your clarity aligns to the timing in your life blueprint with the lesson plan to experience living alone that you originally wanted to explore in this lifetime.

Using all the tools of Lemurian wisdom—like the Ten Principles, including meditation and prayer—you clarify your intention to move into a new experience. The clarity of your intention and a limitless vision of your desires allows the magic to unfold. Suddenly, a magical portal opens to your soul’s evolutionary pathway and the new partner appears.

You say, “Well, do you mean, Imhotep, that I just need to say, ‘I’m done with being alone, and here is my vision for love?” Yes, you can heal this aspect of your blueprint and experience what will feel like a magical outcome. The illusion of separation from your spirit self is overcome and you have the knowing of your power as a conscious creator of your experience.

So, I ask you, how would you like to experience magic in your life?

Be Open to the Magic

Q: I’d like to experience magic in my life, but it seems that this happens more often for others than for me. Why is that?

I can feel your desire to move forward, so do your best to steer away from thoughts such as, “Well, that couldn’t possibly happen!” or “That never works for me!” Why? Because there are no limits to your creation until you place them there.

If you find that your thoughts are moving more towards negativity, you will block your awareness of the beauty and the blessings in your life. The magic will still be there, and your guidance will do their best to reach you, but you may not recognize it. So, why not believe in possibilities and allow magical outcomes to unfold?

Begin by celebrating the magic that may be already happening in your life but you don’t yet recognize: a beautiful sunrise, your granddaughters’ joyful greeting, a cool breeze on your face on a warm summer day. The more you focus on the blessings that are all around you every day, the more you will recognize magic in your life.

Just celebrating the blessings will bring you into a greater awareness of the opportunities to expand your love for self.Self-love is key here because you will be open to feeling the beauty of your creation. You are a limitless being of light, and your clarity of vision is a powerful force of creation. Open your heart and believe in your limitless ability to experience joy, abundance, and magical life on Earth.


When you delight in the magical outcomes of your journey, more will come. In this way, you will be open to receiving and recognizing your own power of creation. Remain open to the possibilities that the magic reveals for you and feel the fullness of love guiding you forward.

My guidance to all of you is to release limiting thoughts and pay attention to the beauty occurring in your life every day. Shift your mundane awareness of life on Earth and elevate yourself into a new dimensional awareness of love to create magic in your life.

Open your heart and believe that magic can happen to you. Go beyond what you think you know, release the self-imposed limits to your reality, and believe in your ability to align your life path with your heartfelt desires. Bless your life and be open to recognize the magic of your creation.

And so it is.


Go Beyond What You Know


Imagine a New World in Love