Imagine a New World in Love

Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen

Some of you will find the energy of this ninth month of September to be a bit challenging. Why? Because the number nine in Lemurian numerology represents completions and new beginnings. And at this time, you may come to the awareness that certain old thought patterns and worn-out belief systems no longer make sense for you. The challenge will be to let them go.

How do you know when it is time to let something go? You’ll know because you’ll feel it in your heart.

Indeed, it is a time to look at things differently and to try something new. Take opportunities this month to enhance your powers of creation. The process may not be instantaneous, because it is about evolution, my friends. Stay the course; focus on healing your life blueprint and create the changes in your life that you know need to be addressed. Be willing to let go and step into something all brand new.

At this point in the Great Shift, having a regular meditation practice is “non-negotiable”. Find the time twice a day to express your intentions in prayer and to listen for the answers in meditation. Visualize in clarity what it is that you want in your life, then open your heart to receive what you have imagined. The guidance will be there for you when you are open to receiving it.

Exercise Your Muscles of Positivity

Q: I will admit that I have made some mistakes in life and I just can’t seem to let go of the feelings of regret. What is your guidance about this?

It is perfectly human to look back regretfully on past events in your life and wish you would have done things differently. Of course, you cannot change what is past, but you can change how you feel about it and go from there. Your thoughts influence how you feel, so hold yourself in the highest light and do your best to look forward with a positive focus.

In the process of evolution now, you are arriving at the deepest healing issues that you put into your blueprint to address in this lifetime. If you find yourself thinking on the negative side, take a moment and re-frame your thoughts into a positive light and exercise your “muscles of positivity!” As you strive to be positive, you will develop this ability and you will be more prepared for the healing issues that coming your way.

Thinking the same old thoughts will get you the same old reality. The idea is to let go of negative thinking and think more positive thoughts. You are creating your reality through the thoughts that you think, so when your mind is filled with creative, imaginative and fun thoughts of what you’d like to manifest in your life, you move away from negative outcomes that could also readily manifest into your life.

You Are the Creator of Your Experience

All humans are actually experts in creation, but the question is, are you creating positively and consciously what you want? Or are you just throwing out random and often negative thoughts and fears and allowing them to manifest? Your higher self is fully on board with anything you choose to experience, so why not create a life that you are passionate about living?

Your love has never been stronger, my friend, and the timing is right for you to release and heal what you have come to heal in this lifetime. Look ahead, move forward and make the changes now that you would like to see in your life. This goes beyond the hopes that something will change, and puts you squarely in your place as conscious creator of your life.

This completion month will be dynamic for you as you explore new depths of self-care and understanding your path in life. Find the balance of love in your heart and bring it to your thoughts to make your life better every day.

Q: I feel those fears that you are speaking about, and I worry about our world today. Recently, I asked in meditation for guidance and I heard, “Don’t lose hope; dream of a better world.” Can you comment on this, please?

Thank you for sharing this. Yes, why not dream of a better world—one of peace, abundance and love and see yourself living in it? Dare to imagine a better world for yourself and for generations that follow you. Be bold. Your thoughts are powerful in their ability to manifest and to attract like-energy. Think thoughts of love and believe in your powers of creation.

As I have said before, thoughts that you have—positive or otherwise—feed into a weave of collective thought consciousness surrounding the Earth. This weave becomes a variable in the process of evolution that you are experiencing. As more and more of you infuse your thoughts with a higher frequency of love, the weave of thoughts also rises. In this rising vibration, Mother Earth—and all of you on Earth—will shift into a new dimension.

Shift your focus now. Your thoughts, your beliefs and feelings have everything to do with the collective reality on Earth. Create something all brand new. Open to possibilities that everything can be healed in love and you will see it manifest all around you, my love.

You live in a magical world! Do not be surprised at the miracles that unfold when you allow yourself to feel the light and the love surrounding you. You don’t need to explain it or know the details of how these miracles happen. Just be grateful and keep moving forward in love.

Imagine a World in Love

Let me conclude by saying that the path of your life is fueled by your love or by your fears. Focusing on the fear will get you more of the same. On the other hand, love is expansive, open and full of possibilities for you to create something truly evolutionary. Love is the feeling that you want to focus on now.

You are the Creator Force incarnate, and your thoughts propel you through your journey on Earth. Remember that you created your world for you to heal, to grow and to evolve. Do you want to create a life of joy and happiness; peace and harmony? It begins in your heart and mind and in the expression of what you choose to experience.

Your thoughts centered in love are leading you through anything you may encounter in your journey. As you take the steps forward, face your fears and move through the challenges that come up for you. Release any frustration you may feel and focus on your evolution. In this new awareness, you’ll see what you need to let go of and elevate your light into new beginnings in love.

Love is the answer, dear ones. It is the way forward and how you will navigate through tumultuous times. Imagine your world in love and take the journey toward it. Love yourself with all your heart and it will ripple out like a pebble tossed in a pond. You can make a difference simply by being in love.

And so it is.


Discover the Magic of Your Creation


Elevate Yourself into a New Dimension