Mother Earth is Ready
It is a time of great love in your world, though many will not agree. Some will say that there are fearful things happening, yet we ask you to shift your focus into love. You start. You begin.
Connect to the Flow of Evolution
: In your human awareness, you might feel the pressures, the sorrows, and the yin and the yang of a world in turmoil; however, be reminded that the Love of Creation continues unabated in her evolutionary balance and in raising the frequency of Love awareness on Mother Earth.
Transformation of Life on Earth
The time comes now for great changes on Earth. The way things are done, the way you feel about each other, the structure of society—everything will change, because it must. Transformation is about a new form, a new way, something completely different than before. This is what you are going through now: a transformation of life on Earth.
A New Way of Life on Earth
So, what do I mean when I say “a new way of life?” Is this some sort of lifestyle change—a new way of eating or moving into a new abode?
Love Yourself into the Next Dimension
In your journey to allow for a new dimensional focus on Earth, you will be moving through the dimensional weaves to bring more love onto the planet. Feel yourself bringing in love to balance yourself on all 4 bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—and weave the four bodies to feel the freedom of being in love.
Expand Your Vision of What is Possible in 2021
What I see in the world is a time to let go of the worn-out ways of the third dimension—a time to shift collectively into a completely new way of living life on Earth. It is time to let go of whatever old patterns of belief or old ways of thinking we are holding on to and to recognize that life on Earth can no longer continue as it has up to this point. In doing so, we transition more into our hearts and our lives will never be the same.
Predictions 2021: Mastery in the time of COVID-19
Over eons of time, dimensional shifts in consciousness have happened on Earth, and each one has had its own flavor. You have chosen to be present during a time of unprecedented change for you and your planet. What does mastery look like for you at this particular time of such dramatic change?
Are You Complete? Ascension and Moving into New Dimensions
Every human incarnate on Earth at this time of the Great Shift is a courageous spirit of love in service to Creation. This is how we see you from the light of spirit. We see you as evolving souls who have sent a particle light of the self into a third-dimensional world—into the density of physical life on Earth to experience discovering the Creator’s Love within.
Time to Face the Truth
This season of change upon the Earth plane is unprecedented. Many are simply used to getting away with whatever they have been doing in life, and they would rather not own up to it or just keep on doing as they have done. But a time to face the truth is here, and change in this case means big changes—transitioning to a new dimension and letting the old one go.
Embrace a New Awareness of Who You Truly Are
As you process through layers of who you think you are, every one of you is gradually releasing the illusion that you are anything other than love. In releasing these layers, there will be times that you will want to hold on to that illusion and continue to be who you thought you were, doing what you thought you were supposed to be doing in your life on Earth.
Welcome the Matriarchal Light
In love, I greet you, and I would like to say that there is a new awareness of love available to you now. In this great shift in consciousness, you have come to a level that can interact with spiritual guidance in more profound ways, and some of you are feeling this.
Listen for Their Love, Speak to Their Hearts
As you move through what many perceive to be chaotic and fearful times unfolding in your world, let me say that each of you holds within you the answers to anything and everything that you are challenged with now. The answers are right there in your heart, and your heart is fully connected into the Creator’s Love.
Focus Higher: A Pathway to the Next Dimension
The completion phase of the third-dimensional reality on the Earth plane is here and a new beginning is occurring. You will feel this as you focus higher and direct your thoughts into a new dimension that is now accessible to all.
Move with Intention through the Great Shift
For thousands of years, there has been a prevailing patterning of thought on your planet—a way of thinking that has carried you through the third-dimensional weave, allowing for the experience of the yin and the yang, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. This experience has allowed for great healing on this planet.
Feel the Connection to Your Creator Self
Within the heart light of who you are is the all-important connection to the Light of Creation. There is no separation between you and your Creator Force or you and anyone else, though in order to do the full human journey, you must feel yourself immersed in the third-dimensional experience of being human.
Your New Awareness of Time and Space
When you consider these ancient concepts of time, you’ll find that a greater focus on kairos, or the quality of time, will get you further than chronos, because the linear, quantitative concept of time is an illusion of the shifting third-dimensional reality on Earth. This aspect of shifting time experience is occurring for you and many others now, because the vibration of planet Earth is ready and so are you.
Focus on Bringing More Love into the World
Greetings! The Omni Consciousness of all Light surrounds your planet and holds all incarnate beings in its loving embrace. In the shifting of dimensions on planet Earth, you are amid an evolutionary process—an awakening to the power of love to heal and recognize your love for self like never before.
Create Your New World with Thoughts Focused in Love
For each of you, the reality that you experience is one of your own thought-creation. You are Creator Force incarnate, beginning life with a thought and existing in thought your whole life long. You think yourself through each day with thoughts that are in fear or in love. Choose love, my friends.
Balance Your Relationships in Love
Within each person incarnate on Earth is the essence of the balanced light of Creation. Male or female, you all have a particle of this Creator Force of Love, also known as the Goddess Light in your heart.
A World of Your Conscious Creation
What is your commitment to consciously creating your world? Are you going to allow your reality to just form around you, or are you willing to look at your life and take responsibility for your creation? The advantage in choosing the latter is your healing, evolutionary growth and a higher vibration of love to manifest your heart’s desires in the Now.