Listen for Their Love, Speak to Their Hearts
As you move through what many perceive to be chaotic and fearful times unfolding in your world, let me say that each of you holds within you the answers to anything and everything that you are challenged with now. The answers are right there in your heart, and your heart is fully connected into the Creator’s Love.
Focus Higher: A Pathway to the Next Dimension
The completion phase of the third-dimensional reality on the Earth plane is here and a new beginning is occurring. You will feel this as you focus higher and direct your thoughts into a new dimension that is now accessible to all.
Move with Intention through the Great Shift
For thousands of years, there has been a prevailing patterning of thought on your planet—a way of thinking that has carried you through the third-dimensional weave, allowing for the experience of the yin and the yang, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. This experience has allowed for great healing on this planet.
Feel the Connection to Your Creator Self
Within the heart light of who you are is the all-important connection to the Light of Creation. There is no separation between you and your Creator Force or you and anyone else, though in order to do the full human journey, you must feel yourself immersed in the third-dimensional experience of being human.
Your New Awareness of Time and Space
When you consider these ancient concepts of time, you’ll find that a greater focus on kairos, or the quality of time, will get you further than chronos, because the linear, quantitative concept of time is an illusion of the shifting third-dimensional reality on Earth. This aspect of shifting time experience is occurring for you and many others now, because the vibration of planet Earth is ready and so are you.