Heart to Spirit Connections with
Karinna Nielsen

How Can You Create New Beginnings in 2025?

Set the stage to have whatever you want!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

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Access more webcast replays at the bottom of this webpage or on my YouTube channel.


Feel the Power to Consciously Create Your Life

Welcome to January, the beginning of the “9” year, 2025! In Lemurian numerology, the number 9 represents new beginnings, and its energy brings forth opportunities to create something new. Combine this with the “1” Creator energy in the 1st month of January, and you have a special time to release old beliefs and self-defeating thoughts and consciously create what you want in life.

Oftentimes, these new beginnings can come unexpectedly and seemingly out of the blue, so look at this month—and this entire year—as a time to consciously create new beginnings by masterminding what you want in your life.  In the 10 Principles of Consciously Creating, “Masterminding” is the 10th Principle, and it is a powerful way to consciously create the life you truly desire.

Set the Stage to Have Whatever You Want

In the book, Signature Cell Healing: Awakening the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality, author and founder of Signature Cell Healing, Kahu Fred Sterling, says:

“You are a particle of the Creator, and you have its full authority to have whatever you want, whenever you want it, so set the stage for it and move forward.  Wake up every morning with the knowledge that what you desire is on its way to you. Your only concern should be what you will do today to ensure that it gets here exactly as you have envisioned it.

See You on the Webcast!

Join the Heart to Spirit Connections webcast and let’s look at how you can “set the stage” for what you truly want in life using these powerful principles. How can you use Masterminding to create what you want in your life and let go of what you don’t want, including fear, worry and anxiety?

I’m looking forward to our time together and to your questions and shares!

What is Heart to Spirit Connections
Webinar About?

Heart to Spirit Connections is a webinar program designed to expand your heart’s connection with spiritual guidance and to feel the balance on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

As we weave our hearts together and elevate our awareness of things unfolding in the world today, we gain a better understanding who we are and our part in the transformative Great Shift in Consciousness.

Together, we are discovering new levels of self-love using the Lemurian tools of conscious creation and Signature Cell Healing.

Please visit myYouTube channel for recordings of previous webinar programs.


Dear Karinna, I’m so deeply grateful for you and your commitment to continue Kahu Fred Sterling’s and Master Guide Kirael’s teachings. You bring so much of your own wisdom, love and light, which is such a blessing.

~Lisa in California

From your webinar, I have this new view on the world centered around healing, and I feel a renewed sense of hope about everything!

~Ann in Honolulu

Please enjoy these previous
Heart to Spirit Connections programs.

To watch additional episodes, visit my YouTube Channel.


Are You Ready for the New “9” Year, 2025?

What can we do now to be ready for a year of completions and new beginnings?

Look back reflectively and then forward with purpose into the new year, 2025--a "9" year. Enjoy a guided meditation to reflect, release and make a fresh start in 2025. In Lemurian numerology, the number 9 represents completions and new beginnings, and it brings forth opportunities to wrap up, release and let go of old thought patterns, worn-out beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve our evolving energy.

Healing with the Dynamic of Change

“Thought is the force that brings the healing to the place you are intending to heal, whether it’s the physical, the mental, spiritual or the emotional body. Once you recognize you are a product of thought, that you had to think yourself into the reality called the human experience, then you come to the greater understanding that you are made up of thought. And once you come to that reality, there is nothing that cannot be healed.” ~Kahu Fred Sterling

Can we really think ourselves back into wholeness? What is your question that opens your next level of healing?

Ascension: Finding the Peace That Leads to Love

How can we not despair over the chaos and hatred that we see in the world?

What are the ways to consistently choose to be in love?

As we enter a month of creation we will be given opportunities to consciously create our healing journeys and engage our plans of ascension,—to choose to move our hearts consistently into love.

Signature Cell Healing: You Will Know What to Do

With an understanding of Signature Cell Healing, you are less likely to succumb to the chaos of life and will have a way to deal with life’s challenges in a powerful and loving way.

Signature Cell Healing is a method of energetic healing, but it is also about a way of living. The basic premise is that the human experience involves a four-body system--physical, emotional, mental and spiritual--and that healing is a natural part of living. To heal means to heal in all four bodies and to live life more fully.


Kahu Fred Sterling’s Enduring Legacy of Love and Healing

Please enjoy this special program, honoring my mentor, dear friend and founder of Signature Cell Healing, Kahu Fred Sterling and his enduring legacy of love and healing.

Late in the evening of November 10, 2022, Kahu Fred Sterling released from his physical body to continue his guiding light from the etheric realms. His departure came as a shock even though Kahu had been preparing for several years to keep “The Beauty”—Signature Cell Healing, the Honolulu Church of Light and Kirael.com—moving forward in love and balance for generations to come.


“Your webinar programs are definitely helpful and always an inspiring focus for me. I loved your “Discover the Magic of Your Creation” program message, and I felt an immediate shift in my energy when I saw it. I’m seeing more of the magic around me—so much positive potential!”

~Susan in Australia

“I listened to your program, and it was so wonderful! I am using the “Figure-Eight Meditation,” healing heart to mind with light. It is completely amazing…..🙏🙏🙏”

~ Wendy in Honolulu

“You have such a knack for identifying and forecasting that which will influence. I still have notes from your pre-2020 pandemic announcement to Signature Cell Healers which I summarize as: 'All hands on deck!' Thanks for continuously guiding, teaching and sharing. This Healing Moments broadcast was typically insightful.”

~CHERYL, California