Signature Cell Healing
Online Workshops
Registration is still open: Watch the video replays of Days 1 & 2 and join us live for Day 3!
Signature Cell Healing Online Workshop
Facilitated by Karinna Nielsen
Signature Cell Healing Lead Facilitator
22, 23 and 29 March 2025
9:00 am–12:00 noon Hawaii / 12:00noon – 3:00 pm PDT/ 3:00 pm–6:00 pm EDT
Check your local time
I recommend the Signature Cell Healing online workshop 100 percent!
I was quite impressed by the well-planned content and how simple it was to apply the methods to my everyday situations.
~ Uma in Massachusetts
I found that the online workshop gives good basics and an overview of Signature Cell Healing. It gave me an opening to new knowledge, a new road and a new way of doing things.
~Olga in the Netherlands
Energize your conscious creation and discover powerful, loving ways to deal with life’s challenges
During these unprecedented times, do you feel challenged to move beyond fear, frustration and dis-ease? How can you raise your awareness into higher frequencies of love even as things can feel chaotic and changing at lightning speed?
Healing On All Four Bodies: What Does It Mean?
This workshop is about healing, and it is also about a way of living. The human experience involves a four-body system—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Healing is a natural part of living, and it means to heal in all four bodies and to live life more fully.
Healing Starts With You!
With an understanding of Signature Cell Healing, you are less likely to succumb to the chaos of life, and you will have ways to deal with life’s challenges in powerful and loving ways. Remember, you are a spiritual being having a “four-bodied” human experience.
Signature Cell Healing works below the veils to release fears held in the cellular consciousness. This is the alchemy of Signature Cell Healing, an ancient Lemurian healing modality originally brought forth by Kahu Fred Sterling.
A fun, interactive online workshop with powerful Signature Cell Healing tools and techniques
Over the course of three 3-hour online sessions, allow lead facilitator Karinna Nielsen to guide you through Signature Cell Healing self-healing techniques, Lemurian tools of conscious creation, guided meditations and more. These powerful tools and techniques will help you to move into higher frequencies of love and self-care so you can also be there for family, friends and others in need.
Awaken your cellular consciousness of 70 trillion cells, activate your chromosomes of youth and vitality and discover what self-healing means for you on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Now is the time to register for this dynamic online workshop with lightworkers and healers from around the world!
Included in Your Registration:
If you have not already purchased it, the Signature Cell Healing digital Self-Healing Resource Bundle is provided as workshop study materials.
You will also receive
“Buy One Get One” plus shipping on all Kahu & Kirael print books and
50% off Kirael: The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating Ten MP3, full-course audio recordings.
After registration, you will receive an email with Zoom log-in info for each session, coupon codes for the product discounts, and access to the Self-Healing Resource Bundle if you don’t have it already.
Please note: When you register for the online workshop, you will be guided to log in or to create a "User Account" on the Signature Cell Healing website.
For registration questions, please send an email
I’m so deeply grateful for Karinna’s commitment to continue Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael’s teachings. She brings so much of her own wisdom, love and light, which is such a blessing.
~Lisa in California, First Steps workshop graduate
Workshop facilitator: Karinna Nielsen
Karinna Nielsen is a certified Signature Cell Healing teacher and practitioner, former publisher and healing events manager for Signature Cell Healing founder, Kahu Fred Sterling.
“Signature Cell Healing is more than just a healing modality for me; it’s my way of life,” Karinna shares. “I began studying this Lemurian gentle touch-healing method over 25 years ago with my mentor, Kahu Fred Sterling.
Over the years, Signature Cell Healing has made a profound difference in my life and in the lives of my family, friends and clients.
I am deeply honored to have been chosen by Kahu Fred to guide Signature Cell Healing into a new era of outreach in service to healing ourselves, Mother Earth and our Great Shift in consciousness.”
Karinna studied and traveled for more than 25 years with Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael, the Guardian for our Great Shift in Consciousness. She also coordinated Kahu & Kirael and Signature Cell Healing events around the world and managed their book and article publishing. She is now the managing partner for Signature Cell Healing International.
What People Are Saying
“Before I started the workshop, I was very stressed, living — or surviving — mostly from my head. After the course, I can feel more, and I feel that I have a connection with the universe again. My path has become clearer.”
— Martje-Lutske, Netherlands
“I was surprised that after nine years of practicing Signature Cell Healing, I still find new information and knowledge in these workshops. I'm glad that I took part in this latest course.”
— Nadia, Australia
“I am writing to thank you for this workshop. It has been revealing, and I have been exploring myself and my present condition (conditioning) with the meditations and the principles we've learned.”
— Pam, United Kingdom
“I am very happy that I took your workshop. You taught me well and I got more confident. Thank you for encouraging us! I gained confidence after taking the workshop and my heart feels at ease.”
— Halu, Japan
“My right leg had been swollen for decades and the doctors couldn’t figure out why, even after running every test. I started doing the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation every day. After a few weeks, I suddenly noticed that my right leg was hardly swollen at all! I’ve had to wear a compression sock on my right leg for so long, and now I don’t need to wear one. So, now I do Signature Cell Healing on myself twice a day!”
~Janet in Honolulu
“I have been following Karinna’s work and Signature Cell Healing through social media, so when the opportunity for this course arose, I had to jump in. It felt as if I was refreshing what I have learned in Reiki, but probably, it was more aligned to what I have always felt in my soul: a connection to Lemuria. I can’t wait for the next workshop to continue to deepen my knowledge and my ability in self-healing so I am able to help others too.”
~Pam in the United Kingdom