Expand Your Vision of What is Possible in 2021
What I see in the world is a time to let go of the worn-out ways of the third dimension—a time to shift collectively into a completely new way of living life on Earth. It is time to let go of whatever old patterns of belief or old ways of thinking we are holding on to and to recognize that life on Earth can no longer continue as it has up to this point. In doing so, we transition more into our hearts and our lives will never be the same.
Predictions 2021: Mastery in the time of COVID-19
Over eons of time, dimensional shifts in consciousness have happened on Earth, and each one has had its own flavor. You have chosen to be present during a time of unprecedented change for you and your planet. What does mastery look like for you at this particular time of such dramatic change?
Are You Complete? Ascension and Moving into New Dimensions
Every human incarnate on Earth at this time of the Great Shift is a courageous spirit of love in service to Creation. This is how we see you from the light of spirit. We see you as evolving souls who have sent a particle light of the self into a third-dimensional world—into the density of physical life on Earth to experience discovering the Creator’s Love within.
Time to Face the Truth
This season of change upon the Earth plane is unprecedented. Many are simply used to getting away with whatever they have been doing in life, and they would rather not own up to it or just keep on doing as they have done. But a time to face the truth is here, and change in this case means big changes—transitioning to a new dimension and letting the old one go.
Embrace a New Awareness of Who You Truly Are
As you process through layers of who you think you are, every one of you is gradually releasing the illusion that you are anything other than love. In releasing these layers, there will be times that you will want to hold on to that illusion and continue to be who you thought you were, doing what you thought you were supposed to be doing in your life on Earth.