Expand Your Vision of What is Possible in 2021

As seen in the January 2021 issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence


Goddess Sophia through Karinna Nielsen

Each time we move from an old year into the new one, I feel the energy of change that prevails around the world. As we move from 2020 into 2021, the vibration of the year in Lemurian Numerology shifts from a 4 (balancing the four bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) to a 5 (the number for unconditional love). What a perfect time to immerse ourselves in the feeling of unconditional love and know that what we feel within us is reflected into the world around us, which reflects it back.

In these unprecedented times, there are countless opportunities to embrace this energy shift into love and to flow with it as it profoundly transforms the world around us. The more we can feel unconditional love surrounding us, the smoother the flow of transformation will be in our lives and in the world as a whole.

In my first years of studying and working with my mentors Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael, some of what they said was considered by mainstream thinking to be pretty far-out. Now, more than 20 years later, as I complete another reread of “Kirael: The Great Shift”, the first book from Kahu Fred Sterling, what I read is also what I am see in playing out in our world today.

What I see in the world is a time to let go of the worn-out ways of the third dimension—a time to shift collectively into a completely new way of living life on Earth. It is time to let go of whatever old patterns of belief or old ways of thinking we are holding on to and to recognize that life on Earth can no longer continue as it has up to this point. In doing so, we transition more into our hearts and our lives will never be the same.

For some, this might sound scary, but it is ultimately liberating to let go of whatever is not working in order to rise to a level of consciousness that allows for the possibilities of living life in love. As we let go, there is an opportunity to free our thoughts and open our hearts. We begin to recognize a new way of life taking shape on Earth—one that works for everyone, embraces the beauty of every soul incarnate, and honors unconditional love as the way of life we are striving for.

I often meditate and imagine what this new way of life could be like. I try to see where I personally might be holding back on new possibilities or new ways of seeing thing in my life. How could my vision of reality be more expansive?

Are you ready to imagine a new way of life? What is your vision for this new year of love, 2021? Can you imagine a world with new possibilities that arise when we put love at the front of any interaction or any thought we have? In expanding our vision of what is possible, we explore and develop a grater sense of trust in the transformative power of love.

What will this new year bring? I feel such a powerful energetic force of transformation right now that the possibilities are limitless. Staying centered in love in our hearts is what will get us through. If you are here on planet Earth reading this now, you intended to be here for this great shift in consciousness. You have all the love within you to make it through these evolutionary times and transition your life into a new reality.

Monthly Global Healing Meditation

The Global Healing Meditation for Mother Earth can be done each month from wherever you are on the planet at 9pm your local time. Lightworkers and healers from around the world go into mediation at this time and send their light energy to Diamond Head in Honolulu, Hawaii. There, a healing weave is created with the human energies and the lights of other realms and dimensions. This weave of healing light is sent around the planet to heal Mother Earth and all sentient beings living on her. Please visit the meditation webpage for more information.

Recently, I received a special message from Goddess Sophia honoring this meditation and encouraging all to participate and focus healing on Mother Earth for our great shift in consciousness.


As you move collectively into a time of great transition, I encourage you all to continually choose love. Choose it daily, minute by minute. Be present with yourself and notice what you are feeling in your heart and thinking in your mind. You are called as lightworkers of planet Earth to be in service now in love. Love and healing are what will get you through this new year 2021 and the great shift into your new life on Earth.

Please know that your participation in the Global Healing Meditation for Mother Earth each month continually raises the frequency of the collective consciousness of love on Earth. This becomes more and more important as the dimensional reality focus shifts and pockets of fear and anger attempt to take hold. By diligently centering in your hearts and doing your 5 Breath Self-Healing Mediation, you can then focus on sending love to Mother Earth and areas in need of healing.

Even as you are focused on healing Mother Earth and joining together to send healing light, you might find that you have shifts going on in your personal lives as well. Unexpected things including fears or anger might come up for you, but I can tell you this: love will get you through them.

Release and Expand Your Love

Stay centered in your heart, and be diligent with your practices of breathing, prayer and meditation. Feel the beauty of each moment and recognize the opportunities to release what no longer resonates. Move your awareness to an expanding love for self and everyone on the planet.

What you are engaged in now is the completion of life as you have known it to be and a new beginning to living life on Earth. The higher selves of everyone on the planet are fully aware and participating in this great shift. Opportunities abound to heal yourself and age your soul, and in this, you are moving forward in love with no turning back. It is the great shift you have come here for, and Mother Earth herself is grateful for your participation.
And so it is.


Love Yourself into the Next Dimension


Predictions 2021: Mastery in the time of COVID-19