Prepare for a Year of Mastery

The most profound personal growth does not happen while reading a book or meditating on a mat. It happens in the throes of conflict—when you are angry, afraid, frustrated. It happens when you are doing the same old thing and you suddenly realize that you have a choice.
—Vironika Tugaleva

Pelekino‘ahanei: Love is absolutely being showered on planet Earth at this time; however, you might not think so when you look at the news or listen to what people say. Remember that your planet is in the process of a great shift in consciousness, and Mother Earth and all on the planet are being held in love.

This year of 2022 has the energy of 6 (2+0+2+2=6), and in Lemurian numerology, 6 represents mastery. When you find yourself in 6 energy, it means you have already mastered. What have you mastered? Ah, you all will discover this in the coming year personally and collectively on Earth.

You have a journey that you came to Earth to master. Keep your focus on love: love for yourself and for your journey, love for this planet, and love for every incarnate being on Earth. The last vestiges of the third dimension will try to hold on as Mother Earth shifts to a higher frequency of love. Stay in tune with your heart. Follow your love, and you will see the new world open before you.

Although many challenges lie ahead, you wanted to be on Earth at this time, knowing this would be the perfect opportunity to evolve and age your soul. You also knew that the light would be ready. Legions of light beings and energies of love are guiding you through to the new dimensional focus, the new awareness of love incarnate. An opportunity to be present, and incarnate for a great shift in consciousness is something very special, and you wanted to be here now.

Step Forward in Love

Let’s delve a bit into this idea of mastery, because you have the spiritual tools at your disposal to master whatever comes your way during this great shift. It’s all there for you to walk forward into mastery of life on Earth on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  Mastery is about being fully aware of yourself, your life and your surroundings on all four bodies. It’s about living your life consciously and not just doing things on autopilot. Doing things mindlessly and repeatedly just to get you through is not evolutionary, and evolution is your goal.

In the year 2022, when you are consciously focused on mastery of your journey on Earth, you will learn to love yourself enough to move forward in love. You will recognize when fear is holding you back, and you will know when you need to let go of the fear and step forward in love. 

How do you recognize when you are in a spiraling energy or in a repetitive lesson plan and that it is time to try something new? In 2022, you will be open to communications with the masters of light who can guide you. Open your heart to create a vision for your life as you’d like it to be. Pray and meditate so these masters can light your path going forward. For this, a strong meditation practice is key.

This great time of change will step up now to the next level and show you what mastery means for you. As the energy goes to the next level of love, you will all move through your life plans, but life on Earth must change. Earth will go to the next level of love, and all on the planet will evolve with her or leave to do their journeys elsewhere.

Mastering a journey means different things for different souls, but it is always about understanding and moving into a new level of love. Healing will happen along the way that dictates the pace of your journey, but healing your soul and evolving is the reason you came to Earth in the first place. Feel the beauty in your heart when you can say, “I know,” because in your heart, you do know. You will move to that next level, wherever it takes you, and you will know.

Open Your Heart

How will the Goddess Light assist us in 2022, and how can we understand its role in the Great Shift?

Within every incarnate being is a particle of the Goddess Light—the Love of Creation. Only some of you will choose to fully awaken to this creative force within. When you feel this love activate in your heart, you will know that you are on the path of awakening to the next level of love awareness and the new dimensions on Earth.

A feeling of balance in your incarnate Goddess Light keeps you centered in love, and you just know that love will prevail. People in your life will do what they wish and go through what they choose. You will feel the balance within you that says, “I Am.”  Your focus needs to be within your heart, allowing love to guide you. 

In 2022, you might feel that chaos is reigning on Earth, but look beyond all that you’ve been taught to see and believe, and center in your Goddess Love energy. Open your heart to the new possibilities of love that await. A new life, a new feeling of love, and a new reality are taking shape on Earth. Pay attention to the love, and that is the world you will live in.  

My dear ones, Mother Earth is shifting, and there are many who will do their best to hold onto a world that no longer exists. Choose where you’d like to be: in the old world or in the new world of love and light. Whatever you choose in your mastery journey is perfect for you, but from my heart energy I say to choose love and light. 

Consciously Create Your Life

You mentioned that we each have a journey that we came to fulfill, and I believe that. But some people in my life are blocking me from doing my spiritual journey. Things often come out of the blue that knock me off my spiritual path. What can I do about that?

People often believe that others are to blame for the misery in their lives, but it’s about the self. You have the power to change your life. It is about recognizing the love within you and your ability to consciously create your experiences.

Can you simply love yourself and where you are in this moment? You have thought yourself into this space where you are. Now love yourself and where you are, and think yourself forward in love. When you recognize this, you will begin to move into a new space of love. Do not fall prey to feelings of disempowerment or being unworthy of the love that you are. Let the love in your heart guide the next steps in your process of mastering your life on Earth 

To truly fulfill your journey, let go of what no longer serves your evolutionary light and be open to new beginnings. It really comes down to love—loving yourself as you take steps into the unknown, allowing for change, doing things differently, and thinking new thoughts.

My love, create a vision for how you would like your life to be in this new year of mastery. Focus your intention on what you would like to create. Release the limits and feel it. Be present in love and feel it. Now weave all 10 Principles of Consciously Creating into it, and walk the path to your mastermind vision in love. Believe you deserve this life of your dreams. 

How do you deal with the unexpected? When you meditate and are in full harmony with The 10 Principles of Consciously Creating and the love of who you are, you will be ready for whatever happens in your life. Focus on doing your full personal journey in love. Focus on healing yourself and aging your soul. Create your life consciously. Live consciously, and feel the universe and the Creator’s Light supporting your journey in love.

Move any negativity behind you, and focus on positive and empowering thoughts about yourself. Fill these new thoughts with love. Feel love in your heart for yourself and for your world. Step forward into this love. With your heart’s guidance, you will have a flexible mind that is open to seeing new possibilities, and you will feel your life expand into a new reality of love for you. 

Go Beyond “Have To”

There is so much going on in the world. I have a family and a full-time job, and it feels like I am just keeping the chaos at bay. I am trying to not let the chaos outside me be within me.  How can I stay above the fray and focus on my spiritual path? Thank you for your guidance.

Within the world of your creation is the possibility of love being your guiding force. With your heart’s guidance, you will follow a path of truth that allows you to go beyond the “have to’s” of your mind. These are limits that you create based on what you think you are supposed to be doing or feeling.

You have a higher self—the part of you that is not incarnate—that is “all-in” for your journey. Your higher light essence can be a source of guidance if you will simply make the time to go into meditation and breathe. Call in your higher self and listen.

It is perfectly natural for you to be immersed in life, but when you carve out time in your day to meditate, to breathe and focus on the love in your heart, you will elevate out of the chaos and see a way forward in love. You might have thoughts of “I have to do ‘this,’” or “I should have done ‘that,’” but find the love that shows you the way to feel inner peace. Trust that you are always where you need to be, when you need to be there. This love for self is first and foremost what guides you through anything.

How do you stay above the fray and feel the love in your heart? Meditate, of course, but also remember the child-self within you that is so precious, hopeful, and filled with love and wonder. Find that childlike energy within and allow her to guide you to more joy and happiness in your life

A Meditation to Connect to Your Child Within

Close your eyes for a moment. Take some deep prana breaths. Go into your heart space.

In your mind’s eye, see your child-self and feel her love for you. How old is she?  What is she wearing? What do her shoes look like?

Continue your deep breathing.

Take your child-self’s hand and walk with her in love. See her take another child’s hand and then another.

Feel that this is how Mother Earth shifts more deeply into love—one heart at a time and collectively in love for all on the planet.

When you are ready, return to where you began. Know that you can meet with your child-self any time you wish.


My dear ones, you are never alone. You are deeply loved and highly regarded in all light. Open your awareness to the guidance around you—your child-self and angels lighting your way, your higher self, the Goddess Light—and know that everything in the universe wants you to succeed and to feel love in your heart. 

Focus relentlessly on your evolutionary journey, and feel your heart guiding you forward in love. Look beyond the fears, the so-called problems that you’ve placed in your life to challenge you to use these opportunities to evolve into your older soul light. Look forward beyond the fears, and you’ll see love.  

Mother Earth is going through her completions and new beginnings, so it is a reset time for her as well.  Evolve with her, and feel yourself moving forward in love through these most magnificent times.  

And so it is.


You Are a Lightworker


Believe It and You Will See It