You Are a Lightworker
Karinna speaking at the Honolulu Church of LIght Sunday Healing Service
Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen
Let us speak about the challenges you have been experiencing as you have moved into this new year—political polarization, a worldwide pandemic, global warming, and more. For some, this hasn’t been an easy time, but it is what you have come for. Now, let me clarify that every one of you came for this great shift in consciousness. You raised your hand. You wanted to be here now. Yes, you did. Why? Because it is a momentous occasion to be a lightworker in service to your Creator: to evolve your light and to play your part in this great shift.
As it is with all great shifts in consciousness, there must be a process of letting go of the previous dimension and a refocusing on a new awareness of love. After thousands of years of an old way of living, it is not something that happens from one day to the next. It will take some time, but it is more about raising the collective frequency of love on Mother Earth.
This new vibration of love attracts to it the collective consciousness of the lightworkers seeking to evolve. This is why we talk about you, the lightworkers of this planet, awakening and raising your frequency of love from within. Love must be your focus. You must also know that your role is to shine your light brightly and to raise your vibration. Love is the only way to navigate these very challenging times, my friends.
Do not lose hope. Do not despair. Raise your frequency of love, connect with one another, and feel the light within your heart guiding you through these times of mastery.
Love and the Collective Consciousness
Never underestimate the power of the collective consciousness to move the world into a new and more vibrant space. You cannot see this energy, but it is there. You are part of it, and if you stop, breathe and meditate, you will feel it within you. Every thought that you or any other lightworker on the planet has contributes to this collective consciousness.
When you choose to think positively and to have nurturing thoughts, you contribute in a way that uplifts humanity. This is what lightworkers must do. You must come together now in thought, light and love to uplift Mother Earth in your great shift. The weave of your energies is the driving force of love that elevates the vibration of the planet. How you direct your thoughts will make a difference to the whole.
Do not underestimate the power of your prayers, meditations and positive thoughts to move the collective force of love on this planet. Alternative forces that want to keep things as they are will have you believe differently, but it is not the truth. Return to the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, and from your heart, hold to the truth of love. Your collective vision for love prevailing on this planet is what moves you through to a new reality on Earth.
As lightworkers, you are collectively creating a new reality on Earth, and it must be created in love; otherwise, it will not stand. The world as you have known it is completing now and a new collective reality is beginning. The yin-yang of the third dimension will not have the wherewithal to withstand the influx of love on this planet. It is already barely holding on as it is.
New thoughts create a new world. Focus your thoughts in love and define your prayers clearly so that we in the guidance realms can work with you. You are not walking this Earth plane alone.
Believe that change is possible. Express what you want in prayer, and meditate to seek your answers. You are all connected in a beautiful weave of light—the collective consciousness of love on Earth. Be willing to ask: “What does this new reality look and feel like for me?”
Healing Moves You into the New Dimension
The light of the fourth dimension is available to you, but many will struggle with that. Why? Because you are working through the bottom of the barrel life-lesson plans that have to be completed now. At this time of the Great Shift, these lesson plans come forth for each of you to heal yourself and to age your soul. You will be challenged to choose love and evolve beyond the fears that have held you back for lifetimes. These are big life lessons, ones that can challenge you beyond measure, but it is love—self-love—that will see you through.
When you find yourself in such a space, asking, “Why is it so difficult to get through this?” or you are tempted to blame someone else for your situation, don’t make excuses, and don’t assign blame. Making someone feel bad about what they’ve done or not done might make you feel better temporarily, but who wins long-term in that one? It is a zero-sum game. No one will win in that scenario.
Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What is the truth?” Can you feel this truth in your heart? Or, does it make you feel angry or frustrated? If so, it is not the truth, and you will need to ask again. It’s like peeling back the layers of an onion. Who are you under all the veils of fear that you have learned over the years? What you’ll find are the lessons that you’ve carried with you for lifetimes, and now you are ready to heal to the core light truth of love—the essence of who you are.
Keep Focused On Love
Yes, it may be a challenging time for you, but how do you suppose you heal in this new reality as a lightworker on Earth? Do you expect me to say you should work real hard or practice, practice, practice? What I will say, because it is the truth, is love yourself. Look at your world and the people around you and say, “I love you, and thank you for showing me my love reflected back to me.”
Be aware of the world around you and shine your light. Keep your mind focused on love. For everything, there is a pathway forward in healing. Take some time, meditate, and focus in love on what you want to create. Be clear, and then release your mind. See a pathway open before you, take a step, and then look for the next one. Be willing to follow the guidance you hear from your heart, and you will have an “in-lightened” path to walk to your destination in love.
As Lightworkers, you are feeling the challenges to embrace your connections to one another and to discover your love again. This is what you need to know: love yourself, love others and love where you are now as you move forward collectively into this great shift. As you move forward, you will also discover that you are held in the Light of Creation, and you are never alone.
And so it is.
*The book Karinna is holding in the “Lightworkers” video is “Kirael: Guide to the Unseen Self” by Kahu Fred Sterling available in print or eBook at the Signature Cell Healing website.