Believe It and You Will See It

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
~George Bernard Shaw

Pelekino’ahanei: Your world is created by a convergence of your beliefs and belief systems. You create the reality that you exist in and give a focus to your thoughts and beliefs. Your mind tells you what is or is not real. When you change what you believe, you will change your reality and that is key to moving forward in love through this Great Shift in Consciousness.

When your thoughts are steeped in love and open to change, you will feel yourself guided through everything that challenges you in life. Center yourself in your truth and in the fullness of love. You will feel yourself guided to release whatever is not for your highest good in life. Release it, and refresh yourself; start anew.

In your meditations, what are the thoughts from spirit that are guiding you? (These are not the thoughts created through your third-dimensional belief systems.) How can you weave this guidance from your higher self and the realms of spirit to create more of what you desire in your life?

As you tune in and realize that you are the creator of your experience, you can be similar to a child and play in the creation of what you desire. Whatever you need, it shall be there for you, for you will create it in love.

When you desire a new path to unfold, conjure it in your mind, and you will see it take shape before you. It may not always come exactly the way you think it will, but it will manifest. Just be clear and believe with love. If you believe it, you will see it.

It may seem other-worldly, but give it a try. Change something in your life like a long-held belief that may be locking you into a life of lack, hardship or sadness. Release the mindset that life must be a certain way, and replace it with self-love, knowing that you deserve all the happiness in the world.

Let your heart guide you through what may be very challenging times. Take a step into love and leave the anger, fear and hatred behind. Take just a step. If you feel like crying, please do. Release the long-held pain and despair. Then take another step in love. There is no turning back once you feel yourself moving forward into a new reality of love and possibilities.

Master the Journey of Evolutionary Light

Love is the key to mastering the journey of evolutionary light that moves you from level to level in this Great Shift. Can you feel love for yourself so strongly now that you release yourself from age-old lesson plans that go back lifetimes? Are you ready to heal old animosities that are weighing you down and hindering your growth and happiness? You are worthy of having what you believe. Believe it to be so, and so it shall be.

Though you may feel that your problems and challenges are insurmountable, you must never lose hope or the sense of self-love that will guide you through the darkness into the brilliant light again. You are never alone. Be silent, and listen to the guidance of your heart. Release the despair, the loneliness and anger. Feel the guidance of your higher self surrounding you and lighting your path. Take a step and another and soon you will find yourself beyond the fear that has been holding you back.

This is a precious time. Use it to your great evolutionary advantage. Shift what you believe to be so, and you will see a new world unfold. In times of great shifts in consciousness, such as you are experiencing now, it is important to remember that the dawn of the new dimension will come. There will be times that you feel that darkness surrounds you, but go deeper. Go into your heart and feel the light holding you and guiding you in love.

We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.
~Carl Jung

Come into a New Awareness of Love

 Karinna: The other day, as I was driving in my neighborhood, I let a pedestrian cross the street where I also often cross. I thought, “Hey, she looks like me. I let myself cross the street! That was me!” And I laughed. Then, I saw another person walking, and I thought, “That’s me, too!” and I laughed again.

Later that day in meditation, I felt it on another level. I felt a splinter of light enter the right side of my head, and I saw myself looking into the eyes of people all around me and recognizing the same light in everyone. I started crying because I felt oneness with everyone and everything. 

In my mind, I saw what looked like a dome of light coming down over me, and I thought of the band of photon light that heralds the Great Shift. I wondered whether fearful people would shift into love when the light comes into them like that. Could people who are immersed in fear shift into love simply by feeling this light?

Pelekino’ahanei: The short answer is yes. The completion of the third dimension on this plane ushers in a new beginning, a new era of love, peace and harmony. Many will feel the rising waves of love coming onto the Earth plane. However, many will also struggle with understanding what this new awareness of love means. The light of spirit permeates all, and when you realize this, there is a moment of realization and a feeling of oneness that may be hard to comprehend, for the human world has been immersed in the illusion of separation for lifetime after lifetime.

What you are feeling is a shift in the collective consciousness, and it takes varied frequencies of love for each person to understand in his or her own way that there is no separation and that the Love of Creator permeates all and everyone. What you do to the planet, you do to yourself. What you do for another, you do for yourself. All are one. Each person is on a unique journey within the Love of Creation.

It is time to awaken now. It may feel like waking up from a dream—or a nightmare for some—but all will awaken to love, each in their own way. First, it is about comprehending it in your mind and allowing the awareness into your heart where you have the feeling of love. The understanding is then felt on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—while letting go of whatever needs to be released in order to adjust to this new four-body balance.

You are light within a physical embodiment moving through a journey on Earth. That is what you are. You may have heard it said before: “You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience,” and that is so, but now you can feel it. 

Feel the light within you and recognize it in every other being on this planet.  Begin there. Begin in your own life and the world around you to feel love and see it within all others around you.


My dear ones, you deserve to feel the joy of life again; to go beyond despair, and embrace the beauty of your life as you desire it to be. In your knowing of the absolute truth of who you are and why you are incarnate on Earth, you will come into a deep awareness of self-love. In this awareness, you will move into the new dimensional energies available to you now.

And so it is.


Prepare for a Year of Mastery


Consciously Create Your Life in Love