Consciously Create Your Life in Love

Energies of the new dimension are pervasive on your Earth plane now and because of this you may occasionally feel out of balance or unsteady. It is as if the old reality is falling away below your feet and trying to balance there will make you even more aware that you and Mother Earth are midst in a great shift in consciousness.  

Move your sense of balance higher into your heart and feel supported by your love for self. Let go of the past and raise your awareness into new frequencies that are available now. It is a time to balance your thought processes and to feel more love in your life. Love is the evolutionary motion (e-motion) that moves you through to new dimensions on Earth.

Each of you plays a part in raising the frequency of love on Earth to bring forth the Shift. The Omni Weave of Consciousness holds the collective thought awareness of humanity. In this, the evolutionary process on Mother Earth will soon be ready to make an even more tangible shift.

Breathing for the Shift in You

If you are feeling anger or frustration, hold yourself in love and move though any lesson plans that are presenting themselves now for your own evolutionary growth. Center yourself in your heart as the lesson plans come to your attention, heal and release them in love.

This is why deep breathing practices, such as the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation, as taught in Signature Cell Healing, become so important. As you breathe deeply and bring in golden particles through your crown chakra, changing them to white light in the pineal and sending them into your cellular consciousness, you release fear and balance everything with love.

This practice of deep breathing brings a lightness to the heaviness of how life has been in your world. It is time to breathe, to release fear and to fill your four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—with love and light.  

Choosing from Love

Trust your heart to know what is right for you. Live your life in love and not from unreasonable fear. With your heart guiding your choices, you will realize that what you are avoiding may just be the truth of your healing and something you came here to master in love.

When you are using the Lemurian Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, praying, meditating and listening to your heart, you will know the truth of love for you. You will be guided and you will feel your evolutionary path being lit with love.

Q: I had a close relative who passed away recently. She was in my life forever and now she’s just gone. It’s making me aware of the passage of time. What is happening with time now as we move through the Great Shift?

Indeed, your perception of the passage of time is influenced by the shifting energies on Earth. In your life, you may experience time going by slowly. Then, suddenly, there is something that comes along to make you feel that a lifetime occurs in just a blink of an eye within the grand scheme of all light.

In order to fully participate in a third-dimensional, yin-yang experience, you won’t fully realize that time is an illusion and that it is influenced by your belief systems. If you believe that things are going quickly, the time will seem fast. If you feel that something is going on forever, you will also perceive it that way.

Even though you are thinking in terms of the length time you and your loved one were together, instead of using time, try to think of it in terms of the enjoyable experiences you had together while living life on Earth, and how she was able to age her soul and evolve her light. In all the Creator’s Light, planet Earth is a very special place to experience love and to remember who you are. So, savor every moment, happy or sad. Cry and feel what you need to feel in order to evolve and to become more and more in love with you.

And, when you get to those final moments in life, as your loved one recently did, you will feel the light envelope you, your family and friends in the light will surround you, and you’ll look back on your lifetime and celebrate every single moment. No regrets, just love and gratitude, knowing that everything went according to your plan and that you discovered more of what it means to be love incarnate.  And, you’ll be complete and ready to begin again!

Q: I am learning a very good lesson: I usually have the sense that there is never enough time, and it is driving me to do things too quickly from fear and not from love.  But, when I give things a little extra time and don’t just “shoot from the hip,” I don’t have to go back and clean stuff up. It’s all about love! What is your guidance about this? 

Time, as I have said, is an illusionary process of the third-dimensional world. And, it’s not just the third-dimensional world, because that pushes it “out there.” it is an illusionary process of your third-dimensional mind. You think it to be so. In fact, you think everything to be so. Whatever your particular lesson plan dictates, you will manifest it into your life—until you realize that you can change it whenever you like with self-love.

What happens when you realize that you can create it differently? Well, I’d like to call that healing. The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, for example, are powerful ways to implement this healing. Some will say that these Principles are too simple, but have they tried them? Maybe they are just not yet ready to heal. What you will experience through these Principles is that your conscious creation is just that: your conscious creation. You create what is. You can say how you’d like it to be.

Think about this: let’s say that you have a life lesson plan. What you do is put it in your life blueprint, create it in your life, feel it, and make it real. If, for example, you are afraid of losing control, that’s what you will feel: that you don’t have control. If you are afraid that there isn’t enough money, there won’t be. See how it works?

If you actually have enough money to buy what you need, but the lesson plan in your cellular consciousness says, “I’ve got to save money. There’s never enough!” Then, this is the reality that you create with your feeling of lack. It is a lesson plan that you’ve come here to heal.

Now, some, like you, have a lesson plan that says that there is never enough time, so you rush through things or get incredibly stressed out. In your case, you have a tendency to “shoot out” emails as quickly as you can, thinking that there isn’t enough time. You create the illusion that “this should have been sent out long ago!” Oh, really? Who says so? Nobody’s really telling you when to send it but you. 

See how this works? You create the awareness of everything with your thoughts, and you’ve done it for so long that it becomes a way of life. But at some point, you’re going to realize that it is a healing journey for you. And, when you realize it, you can work with it to heal it.

Understand that, just as there is enough money, there is also enough time, because you can create the perception of more or less time through your thoughts about it. You will come to the awareness that you can heal the fear, change the lesson plan and consciously create your life in love.

My love, it is ever and always about loving and healing the self. I say, enjoy the abundant life that you have created. Go beyond the limits and understand that you can have whatever you want including more time, because you deserve it and because you can. That’s all.

And so it is.


Believe It and You Will See It


Raise Your Awareness of Love