2024: A Year of Evolution


In Master Guide Kirael’s Lemurian Numerology, the number 8 represents evolution, infinity and balance. In the energy of the 8, the Lemurians knew that with evolution unfolding at a rapid pace, and they could blend two realities together, moving from the lows up into the highs, while the middle world was always there for them. (Read more in “Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift.”)


KIRAEL: We’ll call this new year, 2024, a year of evolution. Because it is an “8” year, you may find your thoughts taking you into one reality or another. The infinite flow of energy through the 8 allows you to weave multiple realities together and create balance in your life. 

With this in mind, you’ll have a choice: Would you like to continue living in a third-dimensional reality, bouncing around in the journey from fear to love over and over again? Or would you rather expand your love, live your life in balance at the center of the 8 and still feel connected into the boundless realms of spirit? 

Stay Balanced in the Center of the 8

Imagine yourself standing in the center of an “8” where the two loops join. As you move your energy out from you around the 8, you may find yourself too far out on the top loop in the spiritual energies or too grounded in the physical world in the bottom loop. If you feel overly immersed in one world or the other, stay focused in the center of the 8, looking out in both directions, simultaneously connected into the spiritual and physical worlds.

Choose to Be in Evolutionary Motion

Remember, in the energy of an “8” year, anything you think or say will return to you just the way that you send it out—in love or in fear—and the energy will be continually reinforced. With every encounter, every conversation and every thought, you can choose to be in evolutionary motion living in a reality of peace, harmony and balance. Center yourself in love and feel the truth of your heart surrounding you.

Much of this will depend on your staying in the actuality of now and not drawing your thoughts from the past. Because, in the echo chamber of the mind, there is a loop that continues to play when you are stuck in the past, blaming yourself or someone else for something. Just like the movement through the number 8, the thoughts continue and the loop plays again and again. So, shift your thoughts into love and feel the truth of your knowing that you are love and never separated from it.  

Expand Your Meditations in the “8” Year

Meditation, my friends, the 8th Principle of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating is your ticket through this year and the way to elevate your understanding of relationships, healing processes and everything that you will experience.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you’ve got to get your meditations strengthened up now. If you’re doing one a day, make it two. If you’re doing two, then make it three. Breathe with the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation, get your healing sessions and find ways to nurture your spiritual self. Karinna teaches all of this in her workshops, and I’d say it’s a banner year to attend one of those.

Bring yourself back to balance through meditations—that is the key. Your meditations will keep you balanced in the center of the 8 so you can expand into the spiritual realms and still be present for your life on Earth. Create the spiritual practices that will nurture you through all the challenges that you will face and you will actually enjoy the beauty of your experience.

How you navigate through this 8 year will determine how you arrive in the next year, 2025, a “9” year of completions and new beginnings. Move smoothly through this 8 year by using your spiritual practices to begin the “9” year in balance, because the energies will be rapid-paced at that point. Keep yourself balanced in the center of the 8 in 2024, me friends, and you’ll be pleased as you enter 2025.


I’m telling you, me friends, this new year will test your resolve, but if you stay present and balanced in the center of the 8, you’ll move more smoothly through your life’s challenges—the very ones that you were determined to place in your life blueprint! You will find a world of peace and harmony, and it will be love that gets you there.

Good evening.


To explore this further, watch the replay of the “Heart to Spirit Connections” webinar


Love Yourself Enough to Heal


Prophecy of Belief