Discover Your Lemurian Legacy and Empower Your Life Journey


Channeled Lemurian Prophecy Readings

Receive channeled insights and get your questions answered for your healing journey. Karinna brings through clear and loving spirit guidance for your “9 Year” of Completions and New Beginnings, 2025 and beyond!


Lemurian Goddess Readings

Explore your Lemurian legacy and the beatuty of your Lemurian Goddess Light. Delve into the principles and practices you can use to empower your journey. Reconnect with the Goddess wisdom within your heart and receive your Lemurian Goddess color and purpose for being here now.

Lemurian Wisdom Readings

Discover the evolutionary tools and techniques that can most benefit your journey in the now, including understanding your life blueprint, Lemurian Numerology, the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, your Lemurian Goddess Light, the Lemurian Prophecy Cards and more.