Step Out of the Box and Be Free

Kirael: Let me say this about the Great Shift in Consciousness that you find yourselves midst in right now—because you’ve got earthquakes and floods and all sorts of things going on. Don’t get caught up in the news media output of what’s happening based on someone’s determination of what is important for you to know. Focus on yourself, heal the fears, let them go and find love again and again. This is a very special time that you all signed up for and love will guide you through this process.

Of all your incarnations on Earth, for this particular lifetime, you brought forth the life lessons in your blueprint that are the most critical for your evolution into a greater awareness of love. Mother Earth is shifting and there will not be opportunities for third-dimensional lesson plans here much longer. This is why you may feel challenged at this point to get through your relationship issues or physical dis-eases.

The way you, the lightworkers, will get through the Great Shift is by feeling love and compassion within you. When you feel fearful, frustrated or downright angry—wherever you are, whatever you’re doing—stop, take some deep breaths and amplify the love in your heart. It is the Goddess Love within all that is a compassionate force of healing. You all have it; it is in the hearts of all humans—female or male—and it is time for all to awaken to it.

Be Present with Your Journey

Now, the timing of life from the human perspective is illusory and may seem to just go on and on—until in an instant, life shifts. Someone you know transitions off of the Earth plane, and you become aware that you have a finite stretch of time on Earth. You have incarnated as human to discover all there is to know on Earth—the emotions, relationships and experiences.

Even though it may feel difficult, these are the times to immerse yourself in your journey, including the people, the places and the experiences unfolding in your life. Every encounter and each experience are gems to be uncovered with your love, explored and treasured in your heart. All those things that you’ve said to yourself: “I’ve really got to do that, or call this person or visit that place,” do those things! Do the things that call to you in your heart. Because when you follow your heart, you’ll know you are where you need to be, and you will see a difference in yourself when you do. You will keep growing, evolving and expanding your love.

Love is the only way you’ll navigate these transitional times. Choose love in forging a path forward through what may seem like tumultuous times, my friends. Fear, anger, hate—and also indifference will move you backward just as sure as me name is Kirael. Now, what do I mean by indifference? I mean thinking that you can’t really do anything to heal yourself or assist Mother Earth in this Great Shift. That it’s all just going to happen.

Well, I have given you the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating and there is no place for indifference to any calamity or disaster on your Earth plane—or difficulty in your life, for that matter—when you have these Ten Principles. What becomes especially important now is the seventh principle called Prayer, and prayer is what you can use to change your world.

Now, when I say prayer, I’m not talking about a mantra prayer like “Now I lay me down to sleep…”and so on. I’m talking about a prayer of compassion from your heart, one that can be felt throughout the etheric lights and draw more energies of love and compassion to it.

Prayer is an expression of your intention and the healing you would like to see in the world. You are all Creator lights of love—particle lights with the Creator-given ability to consciously create your experience. Why would you not use prayer as the expression of your intention to heal yourselves and create more harmony and peace in the world?

So, when you feel anger, fear or frustration, stop for a moment and take some deep breaths. Feel your heart expand into the breath and say a prayer to turn that anger or fear around. Use the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation that Karinna is always talking about and bring love and compassion into your breathing. Focus on the very moment you are in and feel yourself fully present with the breath. Center yourself in love.

Your life on Earth is a small but very important part of the wholiness of all that you are. Yes, you are here now for the experience of the Great Shift, but you are also much more. You are a multi-dimensional being of light whose greater energy is so very proud of all that you have created and experienced. In that light, me friends, give yourself good ol’ pat on the back and vow to continue on the path of love you have created for yourself in this journey on Earth.

Let’s go to questions.

Step Out of the Box and Gravitate to New Levels of Love

Recently, I felt like people in my life were “putting me in a box” and limiting my growth. So, I decided to step out of the box, make some changes and now I feel so much freer. Can you comment on this? 

This is a great question, my friend. Change is essence. Essence is love and love is who you are.  You decided to love yourself enough to stand up, step out of the so-called box of limitations where you had been and move beyond it. You had the courage to make changes and gravitate to a new level of your light vibration.

Your decision to engage your healing process goes beyond your mind thinking it all through and just saying to yourself, “Oh, I need to change this. Master Kirael says we need to be changing.” That’s not what I’m talking about here. What you did is follow your heart’s knowing and the feeling that it was time to make big changes in your life, and that took great courage.

Now, I want all of you to consider for a moment where you might be holding yourselves back based on who you’ve seen yourself to be or what you think others expect of you? Where are you sitting in a box, doing the same thing and not changing? Because at some point in your healing process in this great shift, you will be compelled to change, and it will be what your heart knows you need to do.

Take a deep breath with me and in your mind, look at your life now. Are you also thinking, “It doesn’t feel comfortable in this box; I want out.”? If so, you may also be thinking, “I have to stay here because of them! It’s their fault!” (Whoever they may be.)

You’d like to change and get out of the box, but you’re worried about “their” reaction. In fact, you rehearse how the people in your life will react to the changes. What they will say, and how it’s all going to unfold. And you “bake it all up” real nice in your mind. This is the process we in the guidance realms often watch you go through!

At some point though, you get beyond caring how other people will react, and you think, “Well, I just can’t stay in this box.” And this is because in your evolution, you have healed and you are expanding your light. Your heart feels your evolutionary process along with the rising frequency of Mother Earth.

So, you intend to stand up and step out of that box, but when you do, you realize the box isn’t even there anymore! Your perceived limits have dissolved. At this point, you understand it was you all along keeping yourself in the box for whatever reason, and that reason simply is no longer there. Now, did the box really exist or were you just imagining it? Yes, it did exist! You created it to experience everything and now you don’t need it.

My friends, when you step out of the box—whatever that may represent for you—you are choosing to be in love with yourself and to embrace your healing journey. You are stepping forward into a new phase of your life. Your box is gone, and you are free to be who you are now and have a good laugh looking back at the whole process. Give yourself a good old pat on the back and keep moving forward in love.

Love Will Get You Through

I want say that the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation is really making a difference in my life. I have a lot less pain and I’m able to receive the guidance while doing the breathing to keep going with my healing. So, thank you.

With this 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation, you are going to discover a magical space of being centered in love as you get into a flow of receiving guidance and answers to your healing prayers. In that magical space, you move beyond the “normal,” everyday way of the Earth plane, and your heart opens to the truth of who you are.

When you’ve got your meditations going each day, you will feel a flow of love that guides you through these times when you may be coming upon layers of lessons in your life blueprint that are from the depths of what you wanted to experience. And you may say, “Well, Master Kirael, are you sure that I wanted to go through all this? I mean, I’ve got cancer, my husband just died and things feel pretty bleak right now.”

My friend, in this time of the Great Shift, you have the right to experience all that you wanted to on Earth. For most of you, this is your final lifetime as human and you wanted to get everything done. I call that a “clean-up life,” and most of you are living this sort of lifetime now. Love will get you through anything, and it is your love for self that guides you through all that are experiencing.

Let me say this: never give up on your healing journey. In your meditations, draw into your awareness your heart’s deepest truth. Your truth is the love that you are. Feel your heart’s knowing and trust this truth. You will ignite a passion for your journey and discover more love than you may have ever imagined.


The realms of guidance, the angels and your galactic friends have never been closer to you since the great shifting times of Lemuria. That was when the Lemurians were consciously walking with the spirit light in their shifts into fourth and fifth-dimensional light.

You are experiencing something similar now in your evolution. New levels of awareness are open to you. The angels, the guides and all your friends from the galactic worlds are walking with you for your healing processes. Get your meditations tuned up, step out of your boxes and be free to experience all the glory of your light in this great shift in consciousness. 

Good evening.


An Elven Awakening for Your Great Shift


Engage the Shift and Expand into Your Love