Feel the Truth of Love

This month, we are offered the love and wisdom of a Guardian Goddess Light for our planet, Pelekino’ahanei. To help with her introduction, she has offered the following prelude to this month’s channeling. 

Long, long ago, on a beautiful blue planet way out in the far reaches of a galaxy, the evolutionary process was initiated in the Goddess Light. Mother Earth began her journey through the loving thoughts of Creation.

In the long life of this planet, it is time once again to shift the collective consciousness of the Creator’s Love, to go beyond the self-imposed limits created to live through the lesson plans of evolution. I have watched over Mother Earth since her very beginnings and nurtured her in Love, awaiting this very time.

Feel the Truth of Love

When you look at your world today, it is best to do it from a space of love within your heart. As the opening to higher dimensions accelerates, it becomes more challenging to not be drawn into the old ways of understanding what is happening that might lead you to say something like, “They started it!” or “Those ones are to blame.” In other words, understanding your world in a polarized “us vs. them” sort of way. Be careful that you are not drawn back into an illusion of the old third-dimensional, yin-yang ways of perceiving life on Earth. Let the way be forward into a new understanding of living together in Love.

With the rising vibration of love on your planet and a new generation of shift children who are unwilling to continue blindly following old worn-out programs, you have come to a critical point in your ascension process on Earth. From the perspective of the guidance realm, you are reaching adulthood in the spiritual sense and the fights, the wars and the conflicts must be resolved within the understanding of the maturity of your souls. Love must become the collective choice of the population of Earth. 

The Goddess Light is the love that ushers you through to new dimensions of love on Earth. This is a time of the great Ascension on Earth, and you may experience resistance to this process all around you. But when you feel the truth of love within your heart, you will transcend the fear and the chaos. This process of ascension will play itself out, and you will find your way through by loving and healing yourself. This is the way.

Q: I understand what you are saying, because I see this sort of conflict every day—not just in the news, but also in my own life where members of my own family won’t speak to each other because they have different points of view. What can we do about that?

In your world today, many of the choices being made are motivated by fear. You may also encounter people you know simply repeating a way of speaking because they are afraid. Afraid of what? Oh, there’s all sorts of answers to that!

Nevertheless, the simple way to respond when you feel yourself being drawn into choosing sides, is to choose love. Do your best to go deep into your heart and feel the compassion for those who are angry. Love must be the answer. This may mean simply listening and allowing others to speak and holding a space of love within your heart for everyone involved.

By staying in a loving space, you are focused on aging your soul and evolving to a new level of love in your ascension process. Evolution is your goal and the reason you came to Earth, for it is here that you have the opportunity to experience life unlike any other project in the Creator’s Light. As you use your life experiences to age your soul, your choices made in love elevate your understanding of the All That Is and move you forward in your evolutionary journey in the Creator’s Light.

Each day, consider how you could expand your love and move beyond your fears. Where might you be making your choices motivated by your fears.  Where are you holding back from recognizing the truth of love because of your fears? When you open your heart beyond the fears that have held you in a particular space, you are thinking thoughts of love.

My dear ones, the time to master your journey has come for each of you, and you will find ways to go beyond your fears to feel the truth of love. Go beyond the old ways of resolving conflicts that clearly haven’t helped up to this point. Let go of the past and look at yourself in the Now. How could you move forward in love? Choose a new way of understanding what is happening in in your world, and allow your heart to guide you to new possibilities of moving forward in love.

Q: I’ve heard that information will soon be released information about appearances of UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) in our skies. What can you tell us about how the galactic forces are working with us and our planet?  And, what about the UAPs that have been seen so far?

In love and all light, many would like to think that the Earth—out in the far reaches of this galaxy—is the only project in the evolutionary Light of Creation. And that is fine if you’d like to think that, but it’s not. With all the galaxies filled with uncountable numbers of stars and planets that you see through your telescopes and no one else out there? Really? In truth, you are not the only ones. So, from my heart light, a change in that sort of thinking would be a good first step.   

Secondly, there are infinite possibilities for dimensional experiences in the Creator’s Light. You are shifting into a higher dimensional awareness. Imagine those who are already living in other dimensions. At some point, you will be grateful for their help in cleaning up the planet. And, that is what you shall have: assistance from galactic sisters and brothers who are in your neighborhood, so to speak, and who have been nurturing you and Mother Earth for a very long time. 

What is making such a splash at the moment are the smaller craft that you see in the videos which are being confirmed by your government as truth. These UAPs formerly known as UFOs, are simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to galactic modes of transportation and interaction with your world. They are merely what you would call scout craft.

Because of the accelerating nature of the Great Shift on your planet, it is nearly time for you to be aware of the larger mother craft from the various galactic groups that have been monitoring your awakening and which have already been interacting with spiritualists on your planet. Yes, some of you may have already visited these enormous and wonderful craft in your meditations and felt the love that permeates them.

Your understanding of entities not from this planet up to this point has mostly been molded by scary books and movies. Allow me to say that your sisters and brothers from the other worlds are not here to abduct you or to hurt you; they are here to help.  And that is the truth. There will be a process of the human world releasing any fear associated with your galactic friends in order to work together in love and harmony for this Great Shift. 

It is the Goddess Light that unites sentient beings from all worlds in love. Every one of you has a particle of the Goddess Light within you, and it activates for times such as these. Let love guide you through these critical times to feel your own Goddess Light awakening, and you will know what the Truth of Love is.  It is time.


In closing, let me say that the Goddess Light is awakening in the hearts of the people on Earth who are willing to move beyond fear and embrace love. More and more of you are recognizing that love is the way. You are tired of being afraid and want to expand into the full potential of being in love and living a new life on Earth.

And so it is


Liberate Yourself for a New Way of Life


Release the Limits and Expand into Love