Elevate Yourself into a New Dimension

Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen

In the shift of dimensions happening now on Earth, the old reality is fading and a higher frequency of love awaits you. This is the ascension of light that you have come to experience, and it is truly a very special time that will be felt individually and collectively.

How will you choose to experience this precious opportunity to ascend into the new dimensional process? Are you ready to let go of old thought patterns and worn-out belief systems that are less than evolutionary? Will you choose to recognize your life lessons and understand that everything can be healed in love? 

Every thought that you have contributes to a weave of collective consciousness surrounding the planet. Your thoughts, positive or not, enter the thought weave and attract the energy to create what you have expressed. With this in mind, wouldn’t you want to elevate your thoughts and consciously create in a more a positive light?

Now is the time to consciously create the changes you desire and elevate your vibration. What do you envision for yourself going forward now? Be very clear about it, and don’t hold back. Release the self-imposed limits, because your reality will shift to the thoughts that you have and the love that you express.

A Meditation to Elevate Your Awareness

Please join me now in a meditation to elevate your awareness into the new higher frequencies. Begin by breathing deeply and centering yourself in your heart chakra.

In your mind’s eye, see yourself rising up from where you are sitting. Feel yourself going higher and higher. As you rise above the Earth plane, look back at your physical body fading slowly into the distance. Continue taking deep breaths.

Now, as you ascend high above the clouds, look for a weave of grayish energy surrounding the Earth. This weave is the collective thought consciousness of humanity. Every thought from all life on Earth—positive or negative—feeds into the weave. Send your awareness into this thought weave and take note of what you feel. You may sense random thoughts, fears, prayers, or you may even see faces or hear voices. 

Take another deep breath and allow your awareness to rise higher. Look for a brighter, higher-vibrating weave of light above the thought weave. With your intention, enter this weave and notice what you feel. Is there a lift of energy? What do you see or feel as you move your awareness into this higher-vibrating weave of light?

This weave is a higher frequency of light gradually descending towards your Earth plane. As it moves into and down through the thought weave, its approach may create feelings of compression reflected in global conflicts, anger and frustration, or even physical ailments. You may have also felt this in your daily life as a sense of urgency to complete the life lessons that you intend to experience in this lifetime.

As you elevate your awareness into this higher-dimensional weave of light, turn back for a moment towards Earth and see yourself in your life journey. Send a line of light connecting your awareness in the weave of light into your life on Earth. Breathe deeply and send love back to your physical self for healing and your ascension when it is time.

At some point, the higher light energy will dissipate the lower vibrating thought weave and a new level of love awareness will prevail on your planet. Take another deep breath, and see yourself slowly returning to where you began our meditation.

Q: That was an amazing meditation. My question is can I by-pass the lower weave of thought consciousness and go straight into the higher-dimensional light? What else can I do to help my life on Earth?

The short answer is yes. Lightworkers are—whether they are aware of it or not—creating a presence in this higher-weave of dimensional light. Use this meditation to access your light there and connect back to your incarnate self on Earth. By doing so, you can elevate yourself out of fear and into the next dimensional awareness of this great shift.

Be aware that as the weave of light descends, you may feel that your life lessons are stacked up, and they may be if you haven’t been working to heal them. In meditation, go deep into your cellular consciousness and in-lighten past lives that are ready to be released in love. If you are experiencing relationship issues, pain or dis-ease in your physical body, this is the time to look at these concerns from this higher awareness of love.   

Each of you has come with a life blueprint packed with healing opportunities, and now is the time to heal all issues on this level and move into the higher vibrating energies of love. You will not be taking lesson plans of relationships, abundance issues or physical ailments into the new dimensional energies.

In meditation, go into the higher weave of light and think healing thoughts of love. Every thought you send out manifests in service to your healing intention. Focus on what is essential for you to heal now. Hold the vision and think the thoughts of your life filled with light, and you will see it come to pass.


This is your “superpower:” thought-creation and manifestation. Remember that you are creating a higher-vibrational reality with every loving thought that you think. You, the lightworkers, must know in your hearts that love is the way.

Think down the dark road and that is where you shall go. Thinking along a brighter road will open you to new possibilities, even if you cannot exactly see them yet.  As you continually, take the high road and look to the light, you will see that there is always a choice in how to perceive any situation. You can be miserable and focus on the fear, or you can look for the light, get creative and decide what it is that you want to create in your life.

Every one of you has come to Earth with life lessons that you intend to heal. Your attention to your own personal healing now is crucial to your evolutionary process. In your meditations, allow the guidance to reach you in a space of quiet reflection. Be clear about how you would like your life to be. Never give up. You are a limitless being of love with infinite evolutionary possibilities. Believe in yourself and know that love is always there to guide you.

And so it is.


Imagine a New World in Love


You Are So Much More!