Discover the Magic of Your Thoughts in Love


The Chancellor of Lemuria through Karinna Nielsen

You are living in exceptional evolutionary times on Earth. In this great shift in dimensional consciousness, you have the right and the ability to evolve to a greater awareness of the Creator’s Light of All Love. Choose to make love the basis of your thoughts, for in love, your thoughts move beyond the yin-yang, right-wrong, or good-bad way of seeing things keeping you anchored to a third-dimensional way of understanding life.

With love as the source of your inspiration, your thoughts will naturally spring from your heart and not your, so-called, “logical” brain. This is key, for thoughts coming only from the brain will be based on a third-dimensional reality of previous experience and what you have been taught to expect, which is often a less than positive outcome. Thoughts originating in the love-based neurons of your heart will lead you into a new reality of possibilities which you may not have previously explored.

“Now, Why Did I Come into This Room?”

That said, it is also important to be more aware of your thoughts in the first place and to recognize the impact that they can have on your life. How many of you—no need to raise your hands—are truly aware of the thoughts that you are thinking?

This includes the type of random thoughts that just fly out to wherever you may have unintentionally sent them. That’s right: even casual thoughts have a right, a life and a ticket to go wherever they might go. You could be, therefore, attracting things into your life that you don’t really want.

Imagine when you have a casual thought that is less than positive. For example, you think, “Oh, I really don’t want to run into that person when I go grocery shopping,” And, what do you know? You end up seeing exactly this person when you are shopping!

Or, perhaps you think, “I am really getting forgetful. There I go again; I can’t remember why I came into this room!” You don’t really want to be forgetful, but you are placing a passionate energy on it. And, rest assured, your passionate thoughts will manifest as reality even though it is not really your desire to become more forgetful!

Be aware that with the rise of the new dimensional processes merging into the energy on Earth now, your thoughts are becoming absolutely magnetic, drawing to you what it is you are thinking. This is the way of Creation.

Consciously Creating a Vision of Your Magical Life

So, how might you turn this energy of thought manifestation into something magical for you? I suggest that you begin to be more conscious, deliberate and more positive with the thoughts that you have, because you absolutely have the power of thought manifestation. Your thoughts have a right to a life and the magnetic energy to attract what you want in your life. So, why not give yourself the gift of positive thoughts to create a wonderful, magical life for yourself?

Be deliberate in creating a positive vision of your life as you’d like it to be. Release the limits on what you believe is possible and dream passionately of what you would like to see in your life. Focus on love as you consciously create the life you desire. Master your thoughts by making them more and more positive, and you will create the balanced and abundant life that you seek.

Your positive thoughts will also raise the collective frequency of love on Earth. With thoughts based in love, you are creating a new world of possibilities for yourself and for everyone on Earth. Can you imagine a world of people all thinking loving and helpful thoughts, creating a new vision of life and new pathways of evolution for all? Believe it is so, and so it shall be!

Loving the Journey into the Truth of Who You Are

Q: What you’ve said really resonates with me, because I am often forgetful, and I also wonder how I will ever get out of debt. What can I do to see life differently?

When you believe that there is not enough time, money or energy, or even that you are forgetful, eventually that becomes your reality. When you are ready to raise your awareness about how these thoughts are guiding your focus in life, they will begin to emerge from your cellular consciousness and take your healing to the next level on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The next time you have these sorts of limiting thoughts, notice how they make you feel. Do you feel it somewhere in your physical body? Do you notice it more in your emotional body as a feeling of depression or guilt, for example? Let’s take a moment for a meditation to work with limiting beliefs such as these. 

Just sit comfortably and breathe deeply. Place your hands on your physical body in the area where you feel any tension or pain. As you breathe, direct your focus inward as much as you can, deep into your heart. Then expand your breathing out from your heart into your emotional body and feel yourself surrounded in love. Keep breathing and expand the energy further into the other aspects of who you are on the mental and spiritual bodies.

Take note of any limiting thoughts that may come up for you. Release any fearful or negative thoughts and fill your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts. Allow these new thoughts to create a loving reality for you. Weave love into every thought that you have and feel the opening of your emotional body to more and more love for self.

As you continue breathing, open your awareness to a vision of yourself happy and completely in love with your life. No regrets, no self-judgement, no struggling to be something else. In this, you begin to create a vision of self-love in your mind and feel what it is like on all four bodies. You open a space to magically create a vision of how you would like your life to be and infuse love into your journey going forward. Your love creates the e-motion and your life becomes a loving journey into the truth of who you are. Let your thoughts, your words, your actions, all be guided from your heart in love. Be joyful, for there is great joy in being in love and at the same time, you will draw more and more love to you.

In closing, let me remind you that love is the feeling that moves you through to the next dimension. It is how you will know where you are in the process of evolution at any given moment. When you feel challenged, stop and ask yourself, “Can I feel the love?” If the answer is no, shift your awareness more deeply into your heart. Allow the love within you to guide your thoughts and to help you to stay positive throughout these times.

Love is the way to shift your entire perspective on all that you are experiencing in life. No matter how difficult it may seem, choose love to guide your experience, and you will uncover more and more love in your life, for love weaves your heart and mind to work together to elevate your knowing to new levels of understanding.

Find the love in every situation, the healing in every moment, and the awareness of the Creator’s Light in everything in your life and soon you will be on your way to understanding the magic that love can create in your life.  And so it is.


Ascending in Love through a Global Pandemic


Let Love Be Your Guiding Light