Discover the Courage to Be in Love

Master Imhotep through Karinna Nielsen

It takes courage to be in love. I say this because in this evolutionary process of finding the love within yourself, it may feel as if you are losing control. Now this is not a bad thing when you recognize that this feeling of losing control is about letting go of the anger or frustration that you have been holding on to. In this process, you are also releasing a part of your ego that has defined who you thought you were for a very long time.

When you discover the courage to be in love, it may feel like you are losing who you thought you were and becoming someone new. Actually, this is not about becoming someone new; it is about becoming who you truly are. It will take time to recognize that, but you will, and it will feel liberating right down into your heart’s knowing. This liberation is a process of letting go of fear, anger and doubt so that you can recognize yourself as a part of the Universal Light of One Love.

Each day, you can discover this “real you” with every thought and every opportunity you have to be in love. Look at each day as an act of your creation; you begin with a blank slate, an unread book, an open pathway to travel that leads you on an evolutionary adventure to age your soul. When you look at each day this way, it will be fun, and when you’re having fun, you’re living in love.

Soon you will develop a knowing that says, “Yes! This is who I am. I am love.” With this realization, you will find a new awareness of how you can consciously open to more and more love in your life. Nothing will hold you back, and you’ll be free to create the life of your dreams. 

Stay in Love and Value Yourself

I have a friend who sends me emails about sinister things going on in our government. I know this is just made-up stuff, but it still makes me feel uneasy. How can I deal with these scary scenarios that are out there?

Love is the feeling that you need to stay in right now. Love yourself with all your heart and feel the light of new dimensional energies guiding you forward. Do not let yourself be drawn back into a cacophony of energy from a third-dimensional matrix that is fraying at the seams. When you fall prey to the ying-yang arguments of who is right and who is wrong, you will find yourself immersed in feelings of judgement and despair.

Breathe deeply, meditate and go into your heart. Stay in love and remain in a balanced space. Allow the lesson plans of others to be the lesson plans of others. When you involve yourself in dramas of a third-dimensional nature, it will drain your energy and draw you away from your focus on being in love.

Now, you may say, “Well, that’s easy for you to say, Imhotep. You’re not bombarded by this polarized world and all sorts of other problems with finances and relationships.” To that I say, keep it up. Take the low road, and you’ll have more of it. You’ve got to have a positive attitude in order to get out of where you find yourself now. More of the same negative thinking will get you nowhere.

We in the guidance realm cannot work with you if you are focused on the negative. Bring a positive focus to your thoughts, and we will weave strands of possibilities into your awareness and light up your path. Do not lose hope. Keep your head up, and strive to see positive things manifesting in your life. Dare to dream. Keep your hopes alive, and find glimmers of positive light in your life. When you do, you’ll realize that there is a bright light shining on your path, and you’ll know how to step forward in love.   

People often tell me that I don’t place enough value on the work that I do. I get that, but I also get negative reactions from people when I try to stand up for myself.  What is your guidance about this?

In your Creator-given right to consciously create your life, you are manifesting your reality one thought at a time. Some thoughts from early in your life and previous lifetimes may need to be balanced out, healed and brought into love, such as, “Oh, that’s okay, I’ll just do it for free.” Or, “I’ll just do it for them, and it will get done.” 

Please hear me when I say that your light and the work that you do has value, and you are worthy of love. Keep this in mind when you stand up for yourself and before committing to further projects.

Think lovingly, expansively and without limits based on what you think anyone’s reaction will be. Say what you need to say in love from your heart. How others feel about it is up to them. In this, you’ll know that you are balancing your thoughts in love and speaking from your heart.

Feel your love for yourself growing stronger. Stand in the light of who you are, and you will see that I am standing there with you, for we are one light of Creation. Keep your heart fully open to the possibilities and potentials, and let us weave together in love.


Heal with the Photon Light

I had a feeling recently in meditation that I would describe as pure love coming over me. I’ve heard about our planet moving through a belt of photon energy for the Great Shift, and I was wondering if this was what I was feeling in my meditation?

Yes, indeed. The waves of the photon energy are ever-present now, and it will feel like love—pure golden particles of love. As you awaken to feeling more of your love, you will attract more of the photon energy to you. This is the energy that allows everyone to move from fear into love, and it will affect even those you might not expect.

As it becomes a more and more pervasive presence and force of love and light on the planet, photon will replace the other energy sources, and just this aspect of it will create huge political, industrial and cultural shifts in the world. In connecting with the incoming photon light, communicating with it, and programming it, you are mastering the third dimension and moving into fourth-dimensional territory.

Photon light is pure, loving thought energy here to assist Mother Earth in her transition into the new dimension. When you work with this energy, breathe deeply, draw it into your heart, and center your thoughts in love; as you exhale, send a steam of photon light particles from your third eye to where it is needed for healing. You will be amazed at how it amplifies your prayers and you how it can “in-lighten” darker areas of the world.


Now is the time to find the courage to be in love. In doing so, you will be able to move more smoothly into the new dimensional levels that are available to you. Where would you like to go? With whom would you like to connect? Are you using love to assist you to consciously create a beautiful life for yourself?

Discover the courage within you to let go and let love. Direct your thoughts toward creating a beautiful adventure of life. Go into meditation, and let your love take you there. We in the guidance realms are with you on your journey. You are never alone. Feel the love within your heart, and you’ll feel us there with you.

And so it is.



Love Has the Power to Shift Everything


You Are a Lightworker