Ten Principles Guidance from The Chancellor of Lemuria


The Chancellor of Lemuria through Karinna Nielsen

I am honored to introduce you to the guidance and messages of love from The Chancellor of Lemuria. The Chancellor is a Guardian spirit who guides us in the Goddess Light and assists us in the perpetuation of the evolutionary process of our great shift in consciousness.

The Chancellor has offered to channel through guidance on each of The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, in alignment with the Lemurian Numerology. The Ten Principles are tenets of ancient Lemurian wisdom that guided the Lemurian people through their evolutionary shifts in consciousness and were brought forth again for our Great Shift by my mentors, Master Guide Kirael, and his medium, Kahu Fred Sterling.

The Three Keys: Truth, Trust and Passion

1. Truth

In exploring the first Principle of Truth, you will have opportunities to align in fullness with what you consider to be Truth in your life. Truth is the absolute foundation of your life on Earth.

Now, as incarnate light of the Creator Force of all Love and Light, you have the right to manifest your most magnificent experience. Every word, every thought is an expression of the Truth of your Creator self, and you are doing this consciously, or, more often unconsciously.

What do you suppose would happen if you chose to consciously create your experience? Well, you’d be experiencing more of the Truth of who you are—Creator Love incarnate—and manifesting what you truly desire in your life.

My blessings to each of you as you embark on this new year and delve into the energies of Love beginning with the essence of the Truth of your Creator Self.

 2. Trust

Trust has been likened to a bridge between you in the human world and the all-there-is spirit world. You trust so many things in your day-to-day world: like the time on your clock or that the sun will rise and the moon will set. Imagine that Trust is also like a river’s flow that you just know will carry you to your destination. In this way, you can trust what it is that you hold as truth in your heart—what you know to be so.

Prior to starting any incarnation, you establish a line of energy that runs from the Source Light of all Love (The Creator) to your heart. This is known as the truth strand. Each soul determines its own path of evolution, and then the journey begins. Your connection to your Creator is always there, but your trust in the truth of that may waver. And, so you do the journey of life to learn to trust your truth in all endeavors.

As you age your soul through various incarnations and evolutionary experiences, you have opportunities to strengthen your trust. This is the spiritual journey that happens countless times as you heal yourself, age your soul, and remember to trust your truth more and more. There is no end to this process. You simply experience completions and new beginnings as you travel through the endless possibilities of being in love with you.

Let this month be about trusting the truth (love) of who you are. When you trust what you know to be true, your path opens before you in such clarity that you know with certainty that it is so.

3. Passion

Now we speak about Passion, the Third Principle and completing part of the Trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion.

Passion is the guiding force within you originating from your Creator Source of all Love and Light. As you come to understand your unique purpose for begin incarnate on Earth, you activate this connection and move forward with purpose through your blueprint, also known as your life plan. The passion for life, which each of you carries in your heart light, aligns with your truth and trust to balance the Trinity Light within you. For, once you have the knowing of your truth, and trust established, you bring your passion to it and love is found as the balance in the center of these three.

Now, you may be thinking, “Well, I’m not aware of my purpose, and I’m really not sure why I am here.” Let me say that love is the reason you came here—love for yourself and your evolutionary journey, love for the Creator, and love for all those journeying with you in this magical life that you have. I say magical, because it truly is. You are the creator of your life blueprint, and you magically weave love into it and move through your life on a journey of remembering the love of who you are.

Another question often is, “What if I am not feeling the passion or the desire to move forward? What then?” To this I say, you must go deeply into your heart and find your truth again. Once you can feel the truth of knowing what is in love for you, bring forth your trust of this truth. This aligns with a passion that is all-knowing and guides you forward throughout life in love. Look deeply into your heart and feel your passion for life and for moving forward in love for your creator self, to age your soul and to evolve your light to new levels of awareness.

The Three Commitments:
Clarity, Communication and Completion

4. Clarity

In the light of our journey through the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, we now come to the 4th light of Clarity. With the foundation of the 3 Keys of Truth, Trust and Passion now defined, your journey through the 3 Commitments to your life on Earth begins. For how would you endeavor to move forward through life without clarity on your destination?

In the world of human, it is often the case that you give up the successful completion of the journey to a lack of clarity, allowing your life to simply “unfold” and often being confounded by the chaos that ensures.

How many have struggled with the fear and belief that you are somehow not worthy or not entitled to a life of your choosing? Imagine if you purposefully and with clear intent set your sights on what you desire in life to achieve joy, happiness and your destiny for being on Earth.

Let me simply say, that when you have the courage to clearly define your intentions in life, you will engage the power of your conscious creation and define your healing journey to arrive more speedily at your destination in abundant love for self and guided in love.

5. Communication

In the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, the Fifth Principle is Communication, and of course, the number 5 represents Love in Lemurian Numerology. So, you may think that this is only about communicating with another person, but what if it actually begins with communicating with yourself, indeed, with the thoughts that you have.

Look back with me to the Truth, Trust and Passion and the initial “Three Keys”, the first three Principles. Do you remember that Love is found at the center of this Trinity?  Remember this as well: love is also the balance that you are seeking now in your journey through the Three Commitments of Clarity, Communication and Completion, your guideposts through your interactions in the incarnate world.

Let love be your focus and your guidance with the thoughts you have and the words that you speak. For in love, your communication becomes “self-guided” and finds the outcome of what you are seeking in the highest light for all.

When your communications with yourself and others are initiated from your heart in love, they  begin with the foundation of the most powerful force in all Universal Light: Love.  Your thoughts or words coming from an angry space will not be supported by any Universal flow.

Begin your communications with yourself, your guidance or with other humans by taking a deep breath and becoming aware of your own heart light. Connect into this flow and allow your thoughts and words to come from this loving light, then send them out to your intended focus. Try this and you will understand more completely the power of love to interpret the communications you have.

And so it is.

6. Completion

Now we consider the sixth Principle of Completion. Along with Clarity and Communication, this principle balances the trinity of the Three Commitments.

These three Principles weave together in love and balance to move you from project to project in your third-dimensions experience of life on Earth.  And, be aware that you could not arrive at a true completion unless you have also woven in all of the first five principles and utilized the forthcoming Four Pillars as well.

A completion indicates a mastery of a particular level of any journey you are engaged in. Now, your evolutionary journey in the Light of Creation never ends, so let us say that it is the mastery of a particular phase, for any true completion will always lead to a new beginning.

So, how will you truly know when you are complete with anything in your life? You will feel it in your heart, and it will speak to you in its own way. Your heart will know that you are complete and that it is time for a new beginning in love. And the journey never ends.  

The Four Pillars:
Prayer, Meditation, Sleepstate Programming and Masterminding

The Four Pillars of Consciously Creating assist us in our communications with the realms of spirit, and help us to conscious create with the realms of guidance.

7. Prayer

With the seventh Principle of Prayer, you are entering an energy of change, for seven is the number that represents transition in Lemurian Numerology. The seventh Principle of Prayer also moves us into the 4 Pillars, which are your connection for guidance with the Unseen Forces of Light.  The month of mastery (6) is behind you now, and you have mastered your journey up to this point.

There is a shift now giving you opportunities to pray for a new alignment of the energies. Start fresh with the clarity of your direction into the rest of the year and express your intentions in prayer. You are the conscious creator of your experience and prayer is the beginning of the changes you seek to unfold.  

Begin with a prayer that clearly states your intention for what you would like to consciously create in your life, and understand that prayer is not some sort of religious engagement. Prayer opens the channels of light to communicate the changes you would like to see in your world. So, in a positive light, state without limits and with clarity of focus your heartfelt prayer. Believe it is so and then in meditation, listen for the answers. You will find your path forward in-lightened with love and the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating.

8. Meditation

Now that we have spoken about the 7th Principle of Prayer as the way to clarify what you desire in your life, the 8th Principle, Meditation, is the way to understand your path to receiving your desires. It is the way to navigate through the Great Shift into the next dimension and how you can feel love more strongly supporting your life on Earth.

Mediation could also be thought of as simply listening. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and listen. Listen to what?  Listen to your heart. Listen deeply. Feel the love for yourself and your healing journey. Ask a question and feel the answer coming from your heart. Master the art of meditation by simply committing to doing it twice daily or more when you feel the need to access the wisdom within you.

In Lemurian numerology, the number 8 represents the ability to weave your awareness with the world of spirit. Feel the balance at the center of the 8, and then send your energy up to the top loop of the 8 to weave with spirit. Now, bring the spiritual wisdom back down into your heart and send it into the bottom loop down into Mother Earth to honor and balance your journey.  Remain balanced at the center of the 8 and feel the Truth of who you are: a being of light existing in the All That Is.

With meditation you can go beyond the confines of your third-dimensional world and access other realities for guidance in your life. You will flat-out amaze yourself at what you can do.  Expand your meditations to receive the guidance, and you will feel the balance of love surrounding you.

9. Sleepstate Programming

The Amazing 9th Principle

I suppose if more of you knew how amazing this Principle truly is, it wouldn’t be such a big secret.

Imagine if you could use the other nine Principles—the ones we have spoken of and Masterminding— communicate your Truth, Trust and Passion in Clarity to create the Completion you desire—without even engaging with another person face-to-face. Well, that would be amazing, wouldn’t it? And you can.

Now, please do not try Sleepstate Programming just once and then say, “See? It doesn’t work.” when you don’t immediately get what you are working on. Keep doing it until you are complete! Do the full journey. For you may need to return to the other Principles and also create a mastermind to get to your goal.

Here is Sleepstate Programming:  Before going to sleep at night, tell your higher self—in love—your desires and the person you would like to communicate with. Or, perhaps you are seeking an ideal outcome for a situation of concern. Ask you higher self to communicate this into the Omni Consciousness Weave of All Light to find the person or persons to align the energies to make this happen. Caveat: It must be done from your heart, in love.

10. Masterminding

And, so we come to the completion of our journey through the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating with the Tenth Principle, Masterminding. If you are determined to consciously create your experience and live a life of your full potential as human, I invite you to step into the world of Masterminding.

Masterminding is truly the icing on the cake, for when you bring all the ingredients together using all the Principles to create a mastermind, you will live a life without excuses that you must somehow live in lack or feel less-than. You will go beyond having to blame anyone for your fate and consciously create a magnificent experience on Earth, taking responsibility for your creation.

Masterminding is your pathway to understanding that, in love, you can have whatever you desire in life. Your clarity of focus in creating a mastermind statement and sharing it with your higher self, guides, angels and your mastermind group members is an affirmation of your life as you choose it to be. No longer are you bound to the third-dimensional way of simply accepting anything less than what you truly desire in life.

If you don’t believe me, I invite you to put this Tenth Principle into practice and create Mastermind statements to clarify everything in your life. You will find that the power of using the Principles—all 10 of them—are the pathway to your evolution and enlightenment.

In love for self and the evolution of Mother Earth, the Lemurians knew that the Ten Principles were the way, and they have left this great source of wisdom for you in this Great Shift.

With blessings for your journey,

The Chancellor of Lemuria

Discover more about the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating in the print book, eBook and audio recordings by Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael found at the Signature Cell Healing website online store


Let Love Be Your Guiding Light


Spirit Is Speaking. Are You Listening?