Registration is still open: Watch the video replays of Days 1 & 2 and join us live for Day 3!

Signature Cell Healing Online Workshop

22, 23 and 29 March 2025

9:00am Hawaii / 12:00noon PDT / 3:00pm EDT

Check your local time

Healing Begins With You!

With an understanding of Signature Cell Healing, you’ll have ways to deal with life’s challenges in powerful and loving ways and not succumb to what can feel like the chaos of life.

Welcome to

Discover your Lemurian legacy and purpose for being here now.

The Adventure…

What is the truth of who you are? Why are you here now?

Prior to beginning this journey, you created a blueprint for an evolutionary life adventure.

Using the tools of Lemurian wisdom, discover the wisdom of your sacred life plan, your connection to the ancient Lemurians and activate pathways for your healing and evolutionary growth.


Here to serve…

My mission is to empower you to know and love yourself on new levels and to assist you in consciously creating the life you truly desire. In sharing the wisdom and practices of the ancient Lemurians, we focus on your evolutionary growth, self-love and healing.

Where to begin?

Please join me for free live webinar programs each month. On first Saturdays, Heart to Spirit Connections is an opportunity to gather with other spiritualists, to expand your heart’s connection to your spirit guidance and discover new levels of self-love through the Lemurian tools of conscious creation.

In addition, join healers and lightworkers from around the world for Heal Yourself with Signature Cell Healing free webinar and explore the transformational healing method created by my mentor, Kahu Fred Sterling and which I practice and teach. Learn what’s new, discover helpful healing techniques and get your questions answered.

I also facilitate a monthly Global Healing Meditation for Mother Earth, and I’d love for you to join us! From wherever you are on our planet, join lightworkers from around the world at 9pm your local time to create a weave of healing light to around Mother Earth.

Then, I highly recommend scheduling a Signature Cell Healing session (local or long-distance) and a Lemurian reading. Lemurian readings and healing sessions allow you to gain a better understanding of your intention for being here at this time of the Great Shift and what you have come here to experience in this lifetime.

Finally, when the opportunity presents itself, delve more deeply into your healing and life exploration by attending a Signature Cell Healing workshop. The next First Steps to Signature Cell Healing online workshop is in February and March 2024. Look for new in-person Level 1 workshops to be presented in 2024. Stay tuned!

Tools of Lemurian Wisdom Available to All

I invite you to also enjoy three dynamic blogs on my website: Channeled Wisdom, Steps to Ascension and Lemurian Self-Healing, that are absolutely free. There is also an abundance of webinar video replays with channeled spiritual guidance, self-healing tools and more on my YouTube Channel.

I'm looking forward to weaving with you soon!



Lemurian Self-Healing

Channeled Guidance

Steps to Ascension

“Facing a difficult situation in my life, I surrounded myself with a support team of Karinna, a psychologist, an acupuncturist and other advisers. Through my Signature Cell healings, Lemurian readings and other wisdom shared by Karinna, I have been able to move through the crisis with a lot less fear and a loving heart. With Karinna’s guidance, the outcome was much better than expected. Truly a miracle for which I am so grateful.”

— ANN, Honolulu